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BS ISO 17364:2013 pdf download

BS ISO 17364:2013 pdf download.Supply chain applications ofRFID – Returnable transportitems (RTIs) and returnable packaging items (RPls).
segmented memory structure
memory storage that is separated into more than one element and requires multiple addressing elements for access
item that can he moved efficiently and safely on handling devices used to move material over a fixed line of travel
Note Ito entry: For the purposes of this International Standard, such material h ndling devices or conveyors are considered to be continuous4oop belted systems moving packages or obfrcts in a predetermined path and having fixed or selective points of loading or discharge. The width of the belt, height permitted within the facility, and weight capacity of the belt may determine whether the items are conveyable.
item of such width, height or mass to preclude its movement on conveyor systems
use case
detailed descrlpton of a single activity In a business process that Identifies data Inputs and outputs, performance/timing requirements.the handlingoferrorconditions and interfaceswith external applications
5 Concepts
5.1 DIfferentiation between this layer and the preceding layers
Figures 1 and 2 give a graphical representation of the supply chain. They show a conceptual model of possible supply chain relationships, not a one-for-one representation of physical things. Although several layers in Figure 2 have clear physical counterparts, some common supply chain physical items fit in several layers depending on the use case. For example, a repetitively used pallet, under constant ownership, would be covered by this International Standard as an RTI; a pallet that is part of a consolIdated unit load would be covered by ISO 17365 as a transport unit; and a pallet that Is Integral to a single item would be covered by ISO 17366 as product packaging.
The term supply chain layers” Is a multi-level concept that covers all aspects of taking a product from raw materials to a linal product to shipping to a final place of sale, use, maintenance and potenti.illy disposal and returned goods. Each of these levels covers many aspects of dealing with products and the business process for each level Is both unique and overlapping with other levels,
The Item Level through to the Freight Container Level layers are addressed within the suite of standards for supply chain applications of RFID’ (see Introduction) and are intended to enhance supply chain visibility. The Movement Vehicle Level is the purview of ISO TC 204/WG 7.
The RTI Level In Figure 2 and the RPIs (as defined In 4.10) are the subject olthls International Standard.
RTI and RPI tags can be distinguished from other layer tags by use of a group select methodology contained In the RFID Interrogator/reader. This group select function allows the Interrogator and supporting automated information systems (hIS) to quickly Identify RTI or RPI layer tags. As Indicated in 5.2.2. the group select methodology is further elaborated in ISO/IEC 15961.
5.2 Unique RTI and RPI identification
5.2.1 General
Unique RTI and RPI identification Is a process that assigns a unique data string to an Individual RTI or RPI. or in this case to an RFID tag that is associated to the RTI or RPI. The unique data string is called the unique RTI or RPI identifier. Unique item identification of RTIs or RPls allows data collection and management at a granular level. The benefits of granular level data are evident In such areas as maintenance, warranties and enabling electronic transactions of record. This granularity is possible only if each tagged item has a unique item identifier.
The information on items in the supply chain is often held on computer systems and may be exchanged between parties involved via electronic data interchange (EI)l) and extensible mark-up language (XML) schemas. The unique Item Identifier should be used as a key to access this Information.
The unique RTI or RPI identifier described above shall be the unique identifier as described in ISO/IEC 15459-5. The unique Item Identifier (Ull) provides granular discrimination between like Items that are identified with RFID tags. The unique tag ID (as defined by ISO/IEC 15963) is a mechanism to uniquely identify RFID tags and is not the unique RTI identifier defined in this International Standard.
RTI or RPI tagging provides unique identification of RTIs or RPIs. The minimum data elements required for unique identification are an enterprise identifier/company identification number (CIN) and a serial number (SN) that is unique within that enterprise identifier.
This International Standard uses the following identification mechanisms for unique RTI or RPI identification:
— unique identifier for RTIs (ISO/IEC 15459-5).

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