BS EN 71-4:2013 pdf download
BS EN 71-4:2013 pdf download.Safety of toys Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities.
4.2 Crystal growing sets
Only the chemical substances given In Table 4 may be supplied in ciystal growing sets or In a supp(ementairy sot for a crystal gmwg set up to the amounts specified in that table.
A crystal growing set shall only contain substances which cannot react between each other.
The quality of the chemicals used in crystal groerng sets should be appiopriate for the experiments described; in particular, the chemicals should not contain impurities or substances which alow undefined and dangerous reactions to occur.
The substances and nxtures In a crystal growing set or in a supplementary set for a crystal growing set shall be supplied in ctuld-resistant packaging (see
Only colourants and colouring materials which do not fulfil the criteria of any of the following hazard classes
— ‘acute tOxicity’ (hazard class 3.1).
‘skin corrosionlirntation’ (hazard class 3.2),
‘serious eye damageleye irritation’ (hazard class 33),
— respiratory or skin sensitisation’ (hazard class 3.4).
— ‘germ cell mutagenicity’ (hazard class 3.5).
— ‘carcinogenicity (hazard class 3.6). ‘reproductive toxicity” (hazard class 3.7),
— ‘specific target organ toxicity — single exposure’ (hazard class 3.8).
— ‘specific target organ toxicity — repeated exposur& (hazard class 3.9). ‘aspiration hazard’ (hazard class 3.10).
shal be supplied in crystal growing sets. Colourants which are pemlitted for use ii food or cosmetics may be provided.
NOTE The dassihicabon is cletaded in Regdabon (EC) No. 127212008 (Annex I, Part 3: Healm Hazards).
It substances are supplied as rrextures or if substances/mixtures are supplied ri solution, their solid contents stial not exceed the amounts specified in Table 4.
Samples of materials on which to grow the crystals may be supphed with the set (e.g. plaster of Paris (gypsum), different stones, different minerals) without limits to their quantities. For gypsum, applicable requirements are specified In EN 71-5 (i.e. labelling etc.).
All the experiments descnbed in the instructions for use shall be evaluated by the manufacturer. In particular, it shall not be possible for substances to be formed in amounts that are injurious to health.
Any known hazards arising from the use of the set, especially during the experiments, should be detailed (e.g. handling of chemicals, handling of glassware, retarded boibng point, back flow of barrier water Into overheated glassware, evolution of gases and handling of bLwrws and other healing sources).
5.2 Containers and glassware
5.2.1 Test tubes Sets in which test tubes are heated
In experimental sets where the instructions for use Include chemical experiments In which test tubes are heated, al test tubes shal be made of borosilicate glass in order to be heat resistant.
Glass test tubes which are intended to be heated shal have dimensions greater than 110 mm in length and greater than 15mm in internal diameter,
Glass test tubes which are not intended to be heated, for example, those used as containers, shall have dimensions not greater than 90 mm I, length and not greater than 12 mm in Internal diameter unless they are made of borosalicate glass.
When necessary, borosilicate glass shall b€ identified by the test method described in 5.2.6. Sets in which test tubes are not heated
In experimental sets where the instructions for use do not include chemical experiments in which glass test
tubes are heated, any glass tubes not made of borosilicate glass shall be labelled in accordance with 6.2.
5.2.2 Other glassware
In expertment& sets where the instructions for use include experiments in which laboratory glassware is heated, all glassware intended to be heated shall be made of bcrosibcate glass in order to be heat resistant. This requirement does not apply to glass tubing intended to be heated for the purpose of bending.
Unless made of borosilicate glass. glassware wh,ch is not intended to be heated but which by its appearance or shape could be construed as being suitable for heating shall be labelled in accordance with 8.2.
When necessary, borosilicate glass shall be identified by the test method described in 5.2.6.
5.2.3 ContaIners for reagents, substanc.s and mixtures
Containers for reagents shall differ In size and shape from laboratory glassware to avoid them being mistaken as glassware for use in experiments.
Al containers for reagents, substances and mixtures shall be shock-resistant. They shall not break or crack when subjected to the drop test specified in EN 71-1.
5.2.4 PackagIng and closures Chemistry sets
All substances and mixtures shall be supplied in child-resastant conteiners. Closures for child-resistant containers shall comply with one of the following requirements.