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BS ISO 6166:2013 pdf download

BS ISO 6166:2013 pdf download.Securities and related financial instruments – International securities identification numbering system (ISIN).
4 Principles
4.1 Constituents
The ISIN shall consest oi the luiluwing;
a) a prefix using the alpha-2 country code specified In ISO 3166, a prelix “XS as specified in Annex A. or other prefixes (refer to the Registration Authority website for a complete list of ISIN prefixes);
b) the basic number, which Is nine characters (alphanumeric) In length. Where the existing national number Consists of nine characters, this number may be used; where the existing national number consists of fewer than nine characters, this also may be used, hut zeros shall he inserted in front of the national number. Where a national check digit exists, It shall be regarded as part of the basic number within the nine characters;
c) a check digit, computed using the modulus 10 “double-add-double” formula as specified In Annex C
4.2 Financial instruments for which the ISIN is allocated
At a minimum, the lSlN is allocated to financial instruments (see AnnexA) identified in ISO 10962 with the following principles.
a) Equities, debt instruments, entitlements, and structured products The ISIN is allocated when the financial instrument is negotiable.
b) Derivatives
The ISI N Is allocated to those instru ments that are traded in their own right, regardless of whether or not the underlying instrument may have been assigned an ISIN.
c) Referential instruments
The ISIN is allocated to these entities, which are not financial instruments, when theyare underlying or reference assets to financial Instruments.
d) Others (combined instruments, other assets)
For the group “combined instruments”, the ISIN is allocated when they are traded. The group other assets (insurance policies, real estate deeds, etc.)” may be identified by an ISIN.
5 Registration Authority (RA)
5,1 Name and contact details of the RA
The name and contact details of the organization acting as RA for this International Standard can be found at http://www.iso.org/iso/ maintenanceagencieshtm#6166.
Requests for information and enquiries about this International Standard and its implementation may be directed to the RA.
5.2 Service provision
The RA is responsible for the provision of the following services:
a) to promote and make all efforts to ensure the proper use of this International Standard and uniqueness of lSlNs allocated;
b) to support the exchange of lSlNs and the provision of the ISIN record (see Annex B) to users;
In order to ensure the unique identification of the financial instruments, the originator shall submitan application for allocation of an ISIN together with comprehensive documentation,i.e.relevant legaldocuments (e.g. prospectus, legal offering document,regulatory notification, term sheet). Where nolegal documents are available, descriptive data elements shall be provided by the originator for options,futures, swaps,CFDs, referential instruments,and others, including such additional information as maybe requested.

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