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IEEE Std 187-2018 pdf download

IEEE Std 187-2018 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Measurement of Emissions from FM and Television Broadcast Receivers in the Frequency Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.
6.1 General
Television and FM broadcast receivers are potential sources of interference to other television and FM broadcast receivers, receivers in other services, and other electronic equipment. This clause defines a method for obtaining a measure of the emissions conducted by the power line from those potential interference sources in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz. This clause describes standard input signals, the equipment setup, and measurement techniques.
6.2 Equipment requirements and setup details
6.2.1 Test signals
The standard test signal for FM radio receivers is an RF signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone. The digital test
signal is an RF signal modulated with a digital data stream containing sound information.
The standard test signal for teLevision receivers is a standard television color bar signal according to ITU-R BT.47l-l. The analog input signal shall be a vision carrier modulated by a complete video waveform, including a color burst together with an unmodulated sound carrier of correct relative amplitude and frequency. The digital television signal shall be an RF signal modulated with a digital data stream containing video and accompanying sound information.
For an analog sound and television receiver, the input level of the test signal at the antenna terminal of the equipment under test (hereafter referred to as the EUT) shall be sufficiently strong to provide a noise-free picture.
The input level of the digital sound signal at the antenna terminal of the EUT is 60 dBiV. The input levels of the digital television signals at the antenna terminal of the EUT for 75 2 impedance connectors are 50 dBtV (VHF) and 54 dBiV (UHF) for terrestrial systems.
6.2.2 Supply of the standard test signal
The standard test signal as defined in 6.2.1 shall be supplied to the EUT antenna terminal. If necessary, the analog signal may be matched using the 50 2 to 75 Q antenna isolation transformer described in Annex A.
When the EUT has more than one tuner or a combination of analog and digital tuners, all reception modes shall he investigated. i.e., analog input, digital input, or combination of inputs. The reception mode with the highest emission relative to the applicable emission limit shall be recorded.
If the EUT has no external antenna terminal and oniy a built—in antenna, the RF input signal shall be supplied through a radiating antenna at a sufficiently strong level to provide a noise-free picture to the EUT. If the EUT has a removable external antenna, disconnect it before testing.
6.2.3 Adjustment of the operating controls
The customer-operated controls of the receiver— -with the exception of the tuning adjustment and controls of contrast, brightness, and color saturation for TV receivers —shall be at center or neutral position. The controls of contrast, brightness, and color saturation for TV receivers shall be set to produce a normal picture.
6.2.4 Emission-measuring instruments
Spectrum analyzers and electromagnetic interference (EMI) receivers conforming to the requirements specified or referenced in ANSI C63.4 for emission-measuring instruments may he used for making emission measurements.
6. Method of measurement—conducted emissions
6.1 General
Television and FM broadcast receivers are potential sources of interference to other television and FM broadcast receivers, receivers in other services, and other electronic equipment. This clause defines a method for obtaining a measure of the emissions conducted by the power line from those potential interference sources in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz. This clause describes standard input signals, the equipment setup, and measurement techniques.
6.2 Equipment requirements and setup details
6.2.1 Test signals
The standard test signal for FM radio receivers is an RF signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone. The digital test signal is an RF signal modulated with a digital data stream containing sound information.
The standard test signal for television receivers is a standard television color bar signal according to ITU-R BT.471 1. The analog input signal shall be a vision carrier modulated by a complete rideo waveform, including a color burst together with an unmodulated sound carrier of correct relative amplitude and frequency. The digital television signal shall be an RF signal modulated with a digital data stream containing video and accompanying sound information.

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