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IEC 60945:2002 pdf download

IEC 60945:2002 pdf download.Maritime navigation and radiocommunicationequipment and systems – General requirements – Methods of testing and required test results.
4 Minimum performance requirements
4.1 General
4.1.1 Introduction
All equipment shall be subjected to all the appropriate tests in this standard unless otherwise specified in the relevant equipment standard, with the following exceptions:
a) the solar radiation test, the oil test and the corrosion test shall be waived where the manufacturer is able to produce evidence that the components, materials and finishes employed in the equipment would satisfy the test:
b) the safety test for visual display units (VDU) shall be waived where the manufacturer is able to produce evidence that the VDU would satisfy the tests:
c) the X-radiation test shall be waived where the manufacturer is able to produce evidence that the equipment would satisfy the test.
The relevant equipment standard referred to above shall contain the following information
which is required for the conduct of tests in this standard:
— equipment category (see 4.4):
— performance test (see 5.1):
— performance check (see 5.1):
— pre-conditioning for environmental tests (see 8.1).
In order to assist administrations in granting type approval as required by SOLAS, the laboratory or test facility conducting technical tests shall be approved for this purpose, and shall conform to appropriate international standards concerning calibration and quality control.
Operational checks, particularly those involving subjective judgement, shall be conducted by personnel having appropriate qualifications and nautical knowledge.
Requirements and the related tests are cross-referenced in annex F.
4.1.2 General requirements
(A.694I1.2) Where an equipment provides a facility which is additional to the minimum requirements of both this standard and the relevant equipment standard, the operation and, as far as is reasonably practicable, the malfunction of such additional facility shall not degrade the performance of the equipment.
(A.694!2) Equipment shall be installed in such a manner that it is capable of meeting the requirements of applicable performance standards adopted by IMO.
There are no tests given in this standard to support this IMO requirement as this standard applies solely to equipment. Guidance on installation of equipment can be found in IEC 60092 and IEC 60533 and by reference to equipment manuals.
4.2 Design and operation
4.2.1 Ergonomics and HMI General
Equipment shall be so constructed that it is capable of being operated readily and in
accordance with the requirements of the relevant standard by a suitably qualified person. The user shall be easily able to develop and maintain an understanding of the HMI state at any time.
The HMI shall not increase workload in a way that causes risk to safety related operational requirements. Arrangement
(See 6.1.2)
(A.694!3.1) The number of operational controls, their design and manner of function, location, arrangement and size shall provide for simple, quick and effective operation. Controls shall be arranged in functional groups.
The layout of function keys shall be compatible with their importance, for example keys for emergency functions should have a prominent position, distinctive appearance and be dedicated to their function. Operation
(See 6.1.3)
(A.694/3.113.2) All operational controls shall permit normal adjustments to be easily performed and shall be arranged in a manner which minimises the chance of inadvertent operation, Controls not required for normal operation shall not be readily accessible.
The operation of a control shall not cause obscuration of its related indicator where observation of the indicator is necessary for making the adjustment.
In all operations, there shall be a clearly marked or consistent simple action to recover from a mistaken choice or to leave an unwanted state. It shall be possible for the user to start, interrupt, resume and end an operation. Incomplete or interrupted manual inputs shall not inhibit the operation of the equipment. Identification
(See 6.1.4).

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