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IEEE Std 1623-2020 pdf download

IEEE Std 1623-2020 pdf download.IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Medium Voltage(1kV to 35kV)Electronic Shunt Devicesfor Dynamic Voltage Compensation.
Energy storage elements, ifused, should be in sizes compatible with customer voltage restoration requirements. Energy storage elements should have a __________ kVA short term rating and __________ Wh capacity. The system should be designed to recharge the energy storage either through the main converter or through a dedicated charging unit.
The device can be built with smaller modules connected in parallel or series. The manufacturer should specify the module size, the number of modules, the module configuration and the number of modules that can fail without having to shut down the system.
If the system contains several modules connected in parallel, equal current sharing among the modules should be achieved by suitable circuits, which are incorporated in the converter modules. The current sharing should he better than 95% among the in-service modules.
If the system contains several modules connected in series, equal voltage sharing among the modules should be achieved by suitable circuits, which are incorporated in the converter modules. The voltage sharing should be better than 95% among the in-service modules.
6.2 Losses
The supplier should specify the total system losses in idle mode, including transformer losses, in kW and in percentage of the device rating. In addition, the losses should include all auxiliary loads including cooling fans and pumps, battery chargers, UPS systems, controls, and other auxiliary loads and losses.
Losses evaluation should be performed using _________ $/kW and S/kWh values. The supplier should present alternative methods to reduce losses.
6.3 Harmonic performance
Total voltage and current harmonic distortion should be calculated under worst-case system conditions in accordance with the procedure outlined in IEEE Std 519. These calculations should be done based on the kilovolt ampere capacity and harmonic impedance of the supplying source.
The harmonic distortion should be verified through tests. The test results should be made available to the customer. The manufacturer should propose a standardized or industry-accepted test method to verify harmonic performance.
The device should be configured to avoid resonance with common power system components, including shunt capacitors.
6.4 Audible noise
Noise generated by the device in idle and full load operation should not exceed _________ dBA and _________ dBA respectively. The noise is measured at 3 m from the nearest surface of the device enclosure. The suppliers should establish existing audible noise level prior to installation of the device. A report should record the audible noise levels prior to and after the installation of the device. The selection of the noise level should comply with IEEE Std C5
6.5 Electromagnetic interference (telephone and radio)
Radiated and conducted EMI generated within the device should be suppressed to help prevent excessive interference with nearby electronic equipment. The 1T product should be less than __________, where 1T is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the weighted harmonic current; the corresponding weights are the Telephone Influence Factor (TIF) weighting factors established in 1960 (IEEE Std 519).
The V’T product should be less than _________. where VT is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the weighted harmonic voltage; the corresponding weights are the TIF weighting factors established in 1960 (IEEE Std 519).
The device should not be susceptible to misoperation due to EM! generated by a hand-held general mobile radio service transmitter from a distance of 6. I Cm (2.4 in) in front of the device with the doors closed. Specific frequencies for testing may be supplied by the user.
Higher frequency electromagnetic emissions can be limited to avoid interference with any properly licensed radio, TV, microwave or other equipment in service. The radio frequency emission produced by the device may be less than _________ mV over a range of 0. 15 MHz to 1 MHz, when measured 500 rn from the building. The measurement should he made in accordance with IEEE Std I 39Th1, using a quasi-peak detector reading.
6.6 Cooling system
The cooling system should be able to maintain full capacity at maximum ambient temperature and maximum device losses.
The cooling system should be able to operate at the lowest ambient temperature and minimum device losses, and the supplier should describe how this is done.
Replacement of selected critical cooling equipment if defective should be possible while the cooling system still operates. However, the user may determine whether this redundancy is required.
The supplier should describe the necessary maintenance actions and their frequency.
6.6.1 Air cooling (if applicable)
Cooling for semiconductors should be by natural convection or forced air.
An air-cooling system should provide full heat rejection with redundancy in blowers, filtering, monitoring, and heat exchangers (if required).
The supplier should describe the air filtering system and details of monitoring of the status of blowers, filters, and other components.

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