Home>IEEE Standards>IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 802.3.2-2019 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Ethernet YANG Data Model Definitions.
Managed objcvts defined using YANG modeling language arc hosted on the managed device and accessed through NETCONE (see IETF RFC 7X03) or RESTCONF (see IETF RF(’ X040). This standard specilies YANG modules thai are compliant to YANG 1.1 (see IETF RFC 7950).
1.5 Security considerations
The YANG modules defined in this standard arc designed to be accessed via network management protocols. including NITCONF (see IETF RF( 7X03) or REST(ONF (see IETF RFC K040). The lowest NETCONE layer is thc secure transport layer, and thc mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shcll (SSII) (sec IFTF RFC (242) orTIS (sec IETF RFC X44), The lowest RESTCONF layer i Hi i PS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is TLS (see IETF RFC X446).
The NIETCONF access control model (see IETF RFC X341) provides the means to restrict access for panicutar NETCONF or RESTCONF users lo a prc-configurcd subset of all a’. ailabk NFTCONF or RFSTCONF protocol operations and content.
There arc a number of data nodes dctincd in these YANG modules that arc writabtecreatablc;dclctahlc. i.e.. have the contig property set to true, which is the default setling These data nodes may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some neib4ork environments. Wntc operations (e.g.. edit-conhig) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations.
Some of the readable data nodes in thcsc YANG modules may he considered scnsitivc or ‘.ulncrahlc in some network en’. ironments. It is thus important to control read access (e.g.. via get. get-config. or notitication) to these data nodes.
Some of the RPC operations in these YANG modules may be considered sensitive or vulncrable in some network en’. ironments. Therekire. it is Iniportani to control access to these operations.
1.6 YANG module syntax validation
All YANG modules included in this standard arc YANG 1.1 (see lITF KR 7950) compliant and pa automated checks using tools available at the time of publication.
The following open source andor free versions of YANG validation tools may be used: Pyang (see https:
github.com mbj466X pvang). Confi) (see http: www,Iail-f.com confd-basic), as well as other YANG model validation tools listed at http://www.yangvalidator.com.
2. NormatIve references
The following rcfcrcnced documcnts arc indispensable for the application of this document (i.e.. they must be urnkrstood and used. so each referenced document is cited in teat and its relationship to this document is cxplaincd). For dated rcfcrenccs, only the cditiOfl cited applies. For undatcd rckrenccs, the latc%t edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or comgenda) applies.
IFEF Sid XO2-2Ol4, IEEE Standard for Local and Mciropolitan Area Nctiiorks: Ocricw and Architecture.
IlEE Std XO2diM2017, IFEF Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: O’cn,cw and Architecture Amcndmcnt I: Allocation of Uniform Resource Name (URN) Values in lEFt 802 Standards.
IEFF SW XO2 1Q-2Ol4, IEEE Stindjrd for Local and rnctropolitan area networks Bridges and Bridged Nct orks.
IEEE Std X02.3”-20l8, IEEE Standard for Ethernet.
Diii Std 802.3.lT”.20l3, IEEE Standard for Management information Base (MIB) I)cfmnitions for Ethernet.
IETF RFC 2819, Rcmotc Network Monitoring Managcmcnt Information Base, S. Waldbusscr, May 20O0,
IFTF RFC 3410, Inirndu turn and Appluahilifi StatenwnI fir Internet Standard ifanagrnwni Framework. J. Case. R. Mundy. D. Partain. B. Stewart. December 2002.
IETF RFC 3621, Power Ethernet Mh9, A. Herger. December 2003
IETF RFC 3635, Drllnit,on.c of Managed Objecic for the Ethernet-like Inter/ace lipes, J. Flick, September 2003.
IETF KR’ 6242. Licmng the NETCOVF Protocol over Secure Shall (SSII), Wasserman M. June 2011. IETF RFC 6991, Common YANG Data 1pes, SchocnacIdcr J., July 2013.
IETF RR’ 7803, Changing the Regisiruturn Polscvjor the NE FL ONF Lapahthtv (JRV.c Regi.irv. B. Lcsha February 2016.
ILTF REC 7950. The E4NG 1.1 Data .fodt’ling Language, Hjorklund M.. August 2016.

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