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IEEE Std 802.3cg-2019 pdf download

IEEE Std 802.3cg-2019 pdf download.IEEE Standard for Ethernet Amendment 5:Physical Layers Specifications and Management Parameters for10 Mb/s Operation and Associated Power Delivery over a Single Balanced Pair of Conductors.
Bit 1.2294.15 is a copy of bit 1.0.15, and setting or clearing either bit shall set or clear the other bit. Setting either bit shall reset the 1 OBASE-T 1 L PMA.
45.2.l.186a.2 Transmit disable (1 .2294.14)
When bit 1.2294.14 is set to one, the PMA shall disable output on the transmit path. When bit 1.2294.14 is set to zero, the PMA shall enable output on the transmit path.
Bit I .2294. 14 is a copy of bit 1 .9.0, and setting or clearing either bit shall set or clear the other bit. Setting either bit shall disable the transmitter. 86a.3 Transmit voltage amplitude control (1.2294.12)
Bit 1.2294.12 is used to set the 2.4 Vpp operating mode when Auto-Negotiation enable bit 7.512. 12 is set to zero or if Auto-Negotiation is not implemented. If bit 1.2294.12 is set to one, the PHY shall operate in 2.4 Vpp operating mode according to If bit 1.2294.12 is set to zero, the PHY shall operate in 1.0 Vpp operating mode according to The default value of bit 1.2294.12 is zero. This bit shall be ignored when the Auto-Negotiation enable bit 7.5 12.12 is set to one. 86a.4 Low-power (1.2294.11)
When the low-power ability is supported, the IOBASE-T1L PMA may be placed into a low-power mode by setting bit 1.2294.1 1 to one. This action may also initiate a low-power mode in any other MMDs that are instantiated in the same package. The low-power mode is exited by resetting the I OBASE-T 1 L PMA. The behavior of the IOBASE-TI L PMA in transition to and from the low-power mode is implementation specific, and any interface signals should not be relied upon. While in the low-power mode, the device shall, as a minimum, respond to management transactions necessary to exit the low-power mode. The default value of bit I .2294. I I is zero.
NOTE—This operation may interrupt data communication. The data path of the 1OBASE-T 1 L PMA, depending on implementation, may take many seconds to run at optimum error ratio after exiting from reset or low-power mode.
Bit 1.2294.llis a copy of bit 1.0.11, and setting or clearing either bit shall set or clear the other bit. Setting either bit shall put the I OBASE-T I L PMA in low-power mode. EEE enable (1 .2294.10)
Bit 1.2294.10 is used to enable EEE functionality when Auto-Negotiation enable bit 7.5 12.12 is set to zero or if Auto-Negotiation is not implemented. if bit 1.2294.10 is set to one, the PHY shall operate with EEE enabled. if bit 1.2294.10 is set to zero, the PHY shall operate with EEE disabled. This bit shall be ignored when the Auto-Negotiation enable bit 7.512. 12 is set to one. The default value of bit 1.2294.10 is zero. Loopback (1 .2294.0)
The IOBASE-T1L PMA shall be placed in near-end loopback mode of operation when bit 1.2294.0 is set to one. When in loopback mode, the 1OBASE-T1L PMA shall accept data on the transmit path and return it on the receive path. The default value of bit 1.2294.0 is zero. Bit 1.2294.0 is a copy of 1.0.0, and setting or clearing either bit shall set or clear the other bit. Setting either bit shall enable loopback. 86b I OBASE-TI L PMA status register (Register 1.2295)
The assignment of bits in the 1OBASE-T1L PMA status register is shown in Table 45—150b. Loopback ability (1 .2295.13)
When read as a one, this bit indicates that the 1 OBASE-T 1 L PHY supports PMA loopback. When read as a zero, this bit indicates that the 1OBASE-T1L PHY does not support PMA loopback. 2.4 Vpp operating mode ability (1 .2295.12)
When read as a one, this bit indicates that the 1OBASE-T1L PHY supports a transmit level of 2.4 Vpp. When read as a zero, this bit indicates that the 1OBASE-TIL PHY does not support a transmit level of 2.4 Vpp. Low-power ability (1 .2295.11)
When read as a one, bit 1.2295.11 indicates that the 1OBASE-T1L PMA supports the low-power ability. When read as a zero, bit 1.2295.11 indicates that the 1OBASE-T1L PMA does not support the lowpower ability. If the 1OBASE-T1L PMA supports the low-power ability, then it is controlled using either bit 1.2294.11 or bit 1.0.11.

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