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IEEE 1052-2018 pdf download

IEEE 1052-2018 pdf download.IEEE Guide for Specification of Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Systems.
8.2 Control objectives
8.2.1 STATCOM system functions and applications, with priority
The technical specification of a STATCOM system should include a description of the required control modesand their priority. More information about the available control functions is available in B.1.2.An example isgiven as follows.
The desired function(s) and the priority in which the STATCOM system should respond to them are:a)Fixed reactive power mode(FQM)
b)Voltage control mode (VCM/manual control mode)
1) Control of the positive sequence component of the fundamental frequency voltage in steady stateand dynamic operation, with slope in the range of_% to__% at_
MVA base.
2)Control of phase voltages (based on positive and negative sequence voltage).(optional)
c)Supplementary control functions
1) Gain supervision
To control regulator gain in order to prevent oscillations and excessive overshoot in theSTATCOM response, a gain supervision function can be implemented.This function monitorsthe STATCOM response following a system disturbance. If required, an order to reduce theregulator gain based on frequency range, amplitude, and number of consecutive oscillations ofthe response will be issued.Gain reduction should be indicated and provisions for reset should beprovided either automatically or by the operator.
2) Coordinated reactive power control of external devices (optional)
To optimize the use of dynamic vars versus steady state vars,control of externally connectedshunt capacitor or reactor banks can be implemented. Such banks can be connected either locallyto a HV bus also connected to the STATCOM unit (see Figure 4) or remotely several bussesremoved (see Figure 5).The location of the banks to be controlled may call for different strategiesand interface signals. If applied simultaneously with the supplementary VSC current controller,the two functions require careful coordination. External devices like mechanically switchedcapacitor (MSC)/mechanically switched reactor (MSR) can be switched ON or OFF to positionthe steady state operating point of the VSC so as to extend its dynamic range.
8.3 Harmonic performance
8.3.1 General information
The STATCOM system should be designed to reduce the effects of resonance between its shunt capacitor banks, filter branches, and the ac system, and, hence, to limit the harmonic distortion imposed on the connected transmission system.
The STATCOM system purchaser will also need to indicate whether the full planning level limit (taking into account the distortion already existing) is available for the distortion due to the VSC, or only a part of that planning level is available based on the size of the STATCOM system as a proportion of the total MVA capability of the substation (refer to Chapter 9 of TEC 61000-3-6).
Refer to B.5.4 for additional information.
8.3.2 VSC filter design and performance
Filters may have to be used to meet harmonic distortion requirements.
Given the many available STATCOM system configurations, many harmonic filter designs can be used. The choice of design implementation is the responsibility of the STATCOM system supplier. More detailed description is available in B.5.4.
8.3.3 Filter component rating
The harmonic filter system should be rated to carry continuously the harmonic currents produced by the VSC and, if relevant, the harmonics present in the form of background harmonic distortion of the system. Unless otherwise specified, harmonic currents from the power system and those of the STATCOM system of the same order should be added following the general summation law (refer to Chapter 7 of IEC 61000-3-6). All harmonic currents of different order should be added quadratically (root sum of squares) or following the guidance of IEC 6200 1-4 [B27].

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