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IEEE 3002.2-2018 pdf download

IEEE 3002.2-2018 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Conducting Load-Flow Studiesand Analysis of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems.
Medium-voltage power distribution switchgear with multiple source feeders (common to large
refineries and process driven facilities).
Larger generation or co-generation plants. with a dedicated unit transformer (75÷ MW capacity).
Smaller generation equipment (emergency, stand-by, and co-generation).
Double-ended secondary selective medium- and low-voltage switchgear configurations.
Emergency and critical systems (similar to “tier 1” or “smaiF’ datacenter configurations). Larger industrial/commercial facilities may have data backup requirements with uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units.
Large arc-furnace loads and harmonic filter(s) similar to what may be found in large steel manufacturing plants. Use appropriate model components from the software which simulate the power factor correction and harmonic load flow content matching the characteristics of such equipment.
— Synchronous motor with excitation system control configurable to voltage or power factor support.
Adjustable speed drives (ASDs) or variable frequency drives (VFDs) may be used for a variety of induction/synchronous motor controls.
Example of microgrid application which includes renewable energy sources like photovoltaic (PV) installations which may be connected through converters.
Wind turbine generation which can take advantage of renewable energy sources. The wind turbine system is an example of distributed generation load flow simulations.
The one-line diagram in Figure 1 does not represent an actual installation that combines all of the individual components listed above. This example was designed to be an educational tool for explaining load flow concepts that otherwise would not be encountered in typical industrial/commercial installations. Furthermore, the intent of the example system used in this chapter is not to represent “best design practices” of industrial and commercial power systems.
Note that the example also contains multi-frequency components but no one-phase ac or dc elements. In an actual industrial complex, building loads are often included and modeled as lumped loads. For simplicity they are not included in this example.
Figure 2 through Figure 9 show individual components included inside “composite networks” or components located in other areas of the drawing via “remote connectors.” The composite networks are elements which represent a sub-layer (or nested view) of elements. The remote connectors are symbols which allow the omission of the connecting line between two elements. These elements do not represent a real-life component, but are used mainly to simplify the one-line drawing. The following describes the connections through these elements:
The contents of the composite networks “Oil & Gas,”“Substation 1,” and ‘Data Center” are shown in Figure 2, Figure 6, and Figure 7, respectively.
The elements connected through remote connectors “Arc Furnace Feeder” and “Sub Pump Feeder” are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5, respectively.
Computer programs utilize several drawing symbols that often do not have equivalents in IEEE Std 31 5TM_ 1993. Even if a symbol is available in IEEE standards, computer programs may not draw exactly as shown.
The reasons are:
The standard symbol is not complex enough to visually convey technical details about the component. IEEE standards may not be up to date with technology, or the symbol are sepcific to the program.
The data shown on the one-lines described in 5.2 is an example of basic input data requirements for load flow. The system configuration, location, size of loads, generation, and equipment are often presented in graphical one-line form. Older software programs often did not have one-line diagram graphical data representation. Their input data would be organized into lists of data, which defined not only the component type, but how each element was interconnected. One-line diagram data display capability is an expected feature of software programs, which helps to reduce error in connectivity.
The process of organizing and presenting input data is not the only challenge. Not too long ago, study engineers faced the problem of system size (often measured by the number of buses present in the system). The main limiter was computer memory allocation, which limited the number of buses or node points that could be represented in a load flow model solution. The limitation in the number of buses or nodal connections required the use of network simplification methods. Some of the methods used were to reduce seriesconnected elements into a single-element equivalents, and to represent parts of the system as “lumped” loads (i.e., representing low-voltage loads as a single grouped load). Elements which are judged to be irrelevant to the problem being solved could be ignored to simplify the system. Modern simulation software utilizes technological advancements in computer hardware and rarely requires modeling size limitations, thus network models can be as accurate as needed. The network model complexity is now determined exclusively based on the load-flow study requirements.

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