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IEC 60702-1:2002 pdf download

IEC 60702-1:2002 pdf download.Mineral insulated cables and their terminationswith a rated voltage not exceeding 750 v- Part 1: Cables.
IEC 60811.1-4:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables — Part 1: Methods for general application — Section 4: Tests at low temperature
IEC 60811-3-1:1985, Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables — Pert 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds — Section 1: Pressure test at high temperature — Tests for resistance to cracking
IEC 61034-2:1997, Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions
— Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this part of IEC 60702. (he following definitions apply.
nominal value
value by which a quantity is designated and which is often used in tables. Usually, in this standard, nominal values give rise to values to be checked by measurements, taking into account specified tolerances
routln• tests (symbol R)
tests made by (he manufacturer on each manufactured length of cable to check that the whole of each length meets the specified requirements
sample tests (symbol S)
tests made by the manufacturer on samples of completed cable, or components from a
completed cable, at a planned frequency, so as to verify that the finished product meets the
specified requirements
type tests (symbol T)
tests made before supplying, on a general commercial basis, a type of cable covered by this standard, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application. These tests are such that, after they have been made, they need not be repeated unless changes are made in the cable material, design or manufacturing process which might change the performance characteristics
4 Voltage designations
The rated voltages of the cables considered in this standard are as follows.
4.1 500 V cable (light duty grade)
For use where the voltage between conductors and sheath and between conductors does itul exceed 500 V r.m.s. or 500 V d.c.
4.2 750 V cable (h.avy duty grad.)
For use where the voltage between conductors and sheath and between conductors does not exceed 750 V r.m.s. or 754) V d.c.
5 Conductors
Conductors shall consist of plain annealed copper and shall be of approximately circular cross-section. They shall comply with the requirements given in IEC 60228 for class 1 conductors.
Compliance shall be checked by inspection and by measuring the resistance of each conductor of each complete coil of completed cable and measuring the length of the cable. The measured resistance shall be corrected to 20 C and to a length of 1 km. in accordance with 11.2.
6 InsulatIon
6.1 Composition
The insulation shall consist of compressed powdered mineral or minerals which shall form a compact body. The electrical properties of the insulation shall be such that the completed cable shall meet the lest requirements of this standard.
6.2 Thickness
The nominal thickness of insulation between conductors and between each conductor and the sheath shall be as given in tables 7 and 10.
When measured In accordance with 13.4. the minimum thickness shall be not less than 80 % of the nominal value minus 0.1 mm.
7 Metallic sheath
7.1 Material
The sheath shall be of plain annealed copper or copper alloy. The resistance of the sheath. measured and corrected to 20 °C In accordance with 13.3. shall comply with the values in tables 9 and 12.
7.2 Sheath thickness
The mean thickness of the sheath shall be not less than the nominal thickness specified in table5 8 and 11. The thickness at any point may. however, be less than the nominal value. provided that the difference does not exceed 10 % of the nominal value.
Compliance shall be checked by the test in 13.5.
7.3 Sheath diameter and ovality
When measured In accordance with 11.6, the diameter measurements shall be within ±0,05 mm of the value specified in tables 7 and 10.
8 Optional outer covering
8.1 General
Where deemed necessary because of corrosive environments, cable identification o aesthetic appeal, an extruded outer covering may be applied. Application shall be such that the cable complies with the spark test specified in 11.5 and with the flame retardance test specified in 12.4.

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