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IEC 60728-2:2002 pdf download

IEC 60728-2:2002 pdf download.Cabled distribution systems for televisionand sound signals – Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibilityfor equipment.
Immunity limit
specified minimum immunity level
11EV 161-03-15j
Immunity margin
difference between the Immunity limit of a device, equipment or system and the electromagnetic compatibility level
11EV 161-03-16j
•l.ctromagn.tic disturbanc.
any electromagnetic phenomenon which may degrade the performance of a device. equipment or system, or adversely affect living or Inert matter
11EV 161-01-051
NOTE An electromagnetic disturbance may be an elsctrornagntic noise, an unwanted signal or a change en hi propagation medium itsetl.
screening effectiveness
ability of an equipment or system to attenuate the influence of electromagnetic fields from outside the equipment or system or to suppress the radiation of electromagnetic fields from inside the equipment or system
matching condition when the return loss of the equipment complies with the requirements of IEC 60728-3, Table 1
test set-up can be considered well-screened if its radiation level, when terminated with a matched load, Is at least 20 dB below the expected radiation level of the equipment under test, the test set-up and the equipment being supplied with the same input signal level
electromagnetic interference
degradation of the performance of an equipment, transmission channel or system caused by an electromagnetic disturbance
operating frequency range
passband for the wanted signals for which the equipment has been designed
want.d signal
during measurements, the wanted signal shall be simulated using a s,newave test signal having the frequency within the operating frequency range and the appropriate level
unwanted signal
signals Inside and outside of the operating frequency range that are not considered as wanted signals
NOTE When measuring immunity (to unwanted signals), the unwanted signal shall be simulated using two sine. wave teal signals.
first satellite intermediate frequency range
output frequency range of the outdoor unit which is comprised of the frequency band between 950 MHz and at least 3 GHz or parts thereof
carrier-to-interference ratio
minimum level difference measured at the output of an active equipment between the wanted signal and
— intermodulation products of the wanted signal and/or unwanted signals generated due to non-linearities;
— harmonics generated by an unwanted signal:
— unwanted signals that have penetrated into the operating frequency range:
— unwanted signals that have been converted to the frequency range to be protected (operating frequency range).
Individual receiving system
system designed to provide televi5Ion and Sound signals to an individual household
spurious sIgnals
all unwanted signals in the frequency range of interest
nominal operating frequency range of the equipment
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
transfer of electric charge between bodies of different electrostatic potential in proximity or through direct contact
(1EV 161-01-22)
transient (adjective and noun)
pertaining to o designating a phenomenon or a quantity which varies between two consecutive steady states during a time interval short compared with the time-scale of interest
11EV 161-02-Oh
sequence of a limited number of distinct pulses or an oscillation of limited duration
[1EV 161-02-07]
test levels
the preferential range of test level for ESD or fast transient test
particular Interface of the specific equipment with the external electromagnetic environment
enclosure port
physical boundary of the equipment through which electromagnetic fields may be transmitted
signal port
point at which a cable for the wanted signal is connected to the equipment
control port
point at which a cable for the control signal is connected to the equipment
a.c. power port
point at which a cable for the a.c. power supply is connected to the equipment
d.c. power port
point at which a cable for the d.c. power supply is connected to the equipment
in-band immunity
immunity against disturbance at any frequency of the wanted signals carried at the interfacesand used internally within the equipment under test (for example inputloutput frequencies,IF,video band, etc.)
out-of-band immunity
immunity against disturbance from signals outside the frequency band(s) of the wanted signalcarried at the interfaces and used internally within the equipment under test (for exampleinput/output frequencies.IF. video band , etc.)
RF signal port
antenna input port or RF network port
antenna input port
input terminal of the equipment (for example channel converter, DBs tuner..) under test
RF network port
point at which a coaxial cable for the wanted RF signals is connected to the equipment butexcluding direct connection to the antenna.

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