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UL 181B-2017 pdf download

UL 181B-2017 pdf download.Closure Systems for Use With Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors.
17 Peel Adhesion Test on Stainless Steel
17.1 The average adhesion strength of a mastic system shall not be less than 32 ounces per inch (0.35 N/mm) of width of mastic system when tested in accordance with 17.2 and 17.3.
172 The adhesion strength of a mastic system Is to be determined In accordance with the Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealanis. ASTM C794. except as modified in 17.3.
17.3 Three samples are to be prepared in accordance with the Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealarits, ASTM C794, employing the specified 30 mesh, 10 mu stainless steel airplane cloth, or equivalent. The first layer of mastic (1116 inch thick) and the cloth is to be applied to a stainless steel panel having dimensions of 5 inch (127 mm) by 2 Inch (51 mm) by 0.25 inch (6.3 mm). The samples are to be cured for 7 days in a conditioning chamber maintained at 73.4 ±3.6°F (23 ±2°C) and 75 ±5 percent relative humidity. The second layer of mastic (1/16 inch thick) is to then be applied and followed with 7 days of conditioning in a chamber maintained at 100 ±3.6°F (37.8 ±2°C) and 95 ±5 percent relative humid.ty, and then 7 days at 73 ±3.6°F (23 ±2°C) and 50 ±5 percent relative hUmidity. The samples are to be peeled using a constant rate of extension machine at a rate of 2 inches per minute (50.8 mrnlminute).
18 Peel Adhesion Test on PVC Coated Fabric
18.1 The average peel adhesion strength of a mastic system shall not be less than 25 ounces per inch (0.27 N/mm) of width of mastic system when tested in accordance with 18.2 and 18.3.
18.2 The adhesion strength of a mastic system Is to be determined in accordance with the Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealants. ASTM C794. except as modified in 18.3.
18.3 Three samples are to be prepared In accordance with the Standard Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric Joint Sealanis, ASTM C794, employing the specified 30 mesh. 10 mil stainless steel airplane doth or equivalent. The first layer of mastic (1/16 inch thick) and the cloth is to be applied to PVC coated fabric samples having dlmensons of 5 Inch (127 mm) by 2 inch (51 mm) by 0.25 inch (6.3 mm), The samples are to be cured for 7 days in a conditioning chamber maintained at 73.4 ±3.6°F (23 ±2°C) and 75 ±5 percent relative humidity. The second layer of mastic (1/16 in. thick) is to then be applied and followed with 7 days of conditioning in a chamber maintained at 100 ±3,6°F (37.8 ±2°C) and 95 ±5 percent relative humidity. and then 7 days at 73 ±3.6° F (23 ±2°C) and 50 ±5 percent relative humidity. The tree end of the PVC coated fabric is to be placed, with a back-up plate to assure 180 degree peel, in one jaw of the constant rate of extension machine and the cloth is to be placed in the other Jaw. The samples are to be peeled using a constant rate of extension machine at a rate of 2 inches per minute (50.8 mm/minute),
19 FreezelThaw Test
19.1 Following the freeze/Thaw cycling specified in 19.2. the mastic system shall be able to maintain the peel adhesion test loads as defined in 17.1 and 18.1 when applied in accordance with Section 17. Peel Adhesion Test on Stainless Steel and Section 18, Peel Adhesion Test on PVC Coated Fabric, respectively,
Exception: A mastic system marked in accordance with 23.4 need not be subjected to the freeze/thaw test.
19.2 The mastic is to be subjected in its original container to five freeze-thaw cycles, each cycle consisting of:
a) 16 hours at 0 ±2°F (minus 17 ±1°C);
b) 8 hours at 73.4 ±2°F (23 ±1°C): and C) 7 days at 122 ±2°F (50±1°C).
Upon completion of five cycles, the sealant is to be conditioned for hve days at 73.4 ±2°F (23 ±1°C) and 50 ±5 percent relative humidity.
19.3 The peel adhesion evaluation mentioned in 19.1 is to be conducted in accordance with Section 17, Peel Adhesion Test on Stainless Steel and Section 18, Peel Adhesion Test on PVC Coaled Fabric.
20 Surface Burritng CharacteristIcs Test
20.1 A mastic closure system of the maximum width recommended by the manufacturer shall be tested as applied to inorganic reinforced cement board in accordance with the Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characlenstics of Building Materials, UL 723 and shall have:
a) A flarnespread rating of not over 25 without evidence of continued progressive combustion:
b) A smoke-developed rating of not over 50.
20.2 One stflp of the mastic closure system is to be applied along the longitudinal center of each section of The inorganic reinforced cement board substrate in accordance with the recommended field application instructions, except the set time shall be 7 days. The inorganic reinforced cement board utilized as a test substrate shall have flame spread and smoke developed indices of 0.
20.3 For the purpose of establishing the flame sp’ead and smoke developed indicies, tests shall be conducted on the minimum and/or maximum recommended thickness, whichever is expected to prnvide the maximum burning capabilities. Typically a minimum of three tests are to be conducted.

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