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UL 489B-2016 pdf download

UL 489B-2016 pdf download.Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-CaseSwitches,and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures for Use with Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.
23 General
23.1 A PV switch shall comply with the requirements of CJause 12 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B, as modified by 16.2, 23.2. and 23.3.
23.2 The short circurt current withstand rating of a PV switch shall not be greater than that value of the prospective current used during the test in Clause 21 or of Ref No. 2 of Annex B.
23.3 A PV switch rated 1001 — 1 500V shall be rated for continuous operation at 100 percent of its ampere rating in comp’iance with the requirements of 7,1.4.3 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B.
Advisory Note: In Canada, there are two official languages. English and French. Annex C provides fransialeons in French of the English markings specified in (Pies Standard. Markings required by this Standard may have to be provided in other languages to conform with the language requirements of the country where the product is to be used.
24 General
24.1 A PV switch shall be provided with the applicable required markings specified in Clause 13 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B. except as modified by 17.2, 17.3, 17.5— 17.8, 17.10— 17.13, 24.2, and 24.3.
24.2 A PV switch shall be marked with a short circuit current rating not greater than the prospective current used in Clause 21. Location Category B.
24.3 Notwithstanding 24.2, a PV switch inveshgated with a test current in accordance with Table 12.1 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B may be marked with a short circuit current rating not greater than the prospective current used in 11.1,7 of Ref. No, 2 of Annex B.
25 General
27 Short Circuit Current Test
27.1 For those PV circuit breaker enclosures with a short circuit current rating greater than 1 O,000A. the device shall perform successfully when tested with the intended PV circuit breaker or switch under conditions indicated in Clause 19 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B at the nominal rated voltage and prospective current as determined by the manutacturer, and as modified by Clauses 14 01 21 of this Standard.
27.2 A PV circuit breaker enclosure, with the intended PV switch or circuit breaker installed, shall withstand the designated current until the overcurrent protective device opens. When testing with a PV switch not marked as requiring a specihc PV circuit breaker or PV fuse, the test current shall be maintained for 0.050 sec. or the time required for an instantaneous release mechanism to respond.
27.3 A PV circuit breaker enclosure shall be subjected to the Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test specified in 1910 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B at the voltages specified in 15.2.
28 General
28.1 A PV circuit breaker enclosure shall comply with the requirements of Clause 8 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B. as modified by 16.4, 28.2, and 28.3.
28.2 A PV circuit breaker enclosure shall be rated for one or more dc voltages. 1500V maximum. “Slash’ ratings are not permitted.
28.3 The short circuit rating of a PV circuit breaker enclosure shall not be greater than that value of the
prospective current used dunng the test described in Clause 27 of this Standard or Clause 19 of Ref. No.
2 of Annex B.
Advisory Note: In Canada, there are two ollicial languages. English and French. Annex C provides translations in French of the English markings specified in this Standard. Markings required by this Standard may have to be provided in other languages to conform with the language requirements a! the country where the product is to be used.
29 General
29.1 A PV circuit breaker enclosure shall be provided with the required markings as specified in Clause 21 of Ref. No. 2 of Annex B. excep as modified by 17.2, 17.3 17.5— 17.8, 17.12, 17.13, and 29.2 of this Standard.
29.2 A PV circuit breaker enclosure shall be marked with a short circuit current rating in accordance with 28.3. Location Category B.

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