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UL 2007A-2016 pdf download

UL 2007A-2016 pdf download.Shatter Containment Of Lamps For Use In Regulated Food Establishments.
b) Upon inspection, there shall be no crad’s. splits, or holes, greater than 0.04 in (1 mm) by
0.08 In (2 mm).
7.2.4 It all eight original specimens meet the criteria ot 7.2.3. then no additional testing is necessary.
7.2.5 It after the drop test, any of the eight onginal specimens tested do not meet the acceptance criteria of 7.2.3, additional specimens may be subjected to the test as follows:
a) It one, two, or three specimens do not meet the criteria of 7.2.3, then one additional replacement specimen may be subjected to the drop test for each noncompliant specimen. Conformity Is demonstrated if all replacement specimens conform when examined in accordance with 7.2,3. The replacement specimen(s) shall be such that they are equivalent to the original in both specimen type (either conditioned or not conditioned) and drop position.
b) If more than three of the eight original specimens do not meet the criteria of 7.2.3, then the results are determined to be noncompliant.
8 DIsplacement Impact Test
8.1 The test shall consist of impacts of sax conditioned specimens (6.2 — 6.4, as appropriate), plus one additional unconditioned specimen. Each specimen shall be securely held in pLace in its intended lampholder(s) with the assembly positioned so it will not be dislodged during the test. The shatter protection means shall be arranged in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
8.2 An impact device, described in Figure 8.1, shall be positioned such that the maximum displacement distance is 025 in (6.4 mm) beyond the inside plane surface of the glass surf ace The impact location shall be determined as follows:
a) For single base lamps and globes, the specimen shall be impacted at the center of the surface opposite the base, normal to the surface, with the force directed at the center of the specimen; or
b) For double base lamps and guarded shatter containers, the specimen shall be impacted at a point equidistant from the two bases, normal to the surface, with the force directed at the center of the specimen.
b) If more than three of the seven original specimens do not meet the criteria of 8.4. then the resuLts are determined to be noncompliant.
9 Ultraviolet Light Exposure
9.1 Polymeric shatter containment mechanisms for lamps generating ultraviolet (UV) light, such as fluorescent lamps and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, shall be acceptably resistant to UV degradation when exposed to the test described in 57.1.1 — 57.2.11 of the Standard for Polymeric Materials — Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C.
9.2 Table 9.1 summarizes the minimum properly retention limitations after UV conditioning for base samples of the matenal and any colors under consideration. The average physical properly values after UV conditioning shall not be less than 70 percent of the unconditioned value when the standardized small-scale physical tests indicated in Table 9,1 are pertomied,
Exception No. 1: Where it Is not practical to conduct the Tensile. Izod, o.r Charpy impact test using the standard specimens, the procedure of 57.2.7 — 57,2.11 of lit. 746C and the impact equipment of Figures 57.1 and 572 of UL 746C may be used on representative sections of the equoment’s enclosure.
10 General
10.1 Products shall be legibly marked with the following:
a) Manufacturer’s name,private labeler’s name or identifying symbol.b) Model number on the product or on the smallest unit package.
10.2 Products shall not deface or render not visible electrical ratings,limitations or other instructionsintended for the proper sizing and use of lamps.
10.3 When the manufacturer produces products at more than one factory, the products shall have adistinctive marking to identify the place of manufacture.
10.4 Each product shall be provided with instructions that specify the intended usage.The instructionsmay appear on the smallest unit package or be included with the product as a “stuffer sheet”.

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