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UL 12402-5-2015 pdf download

UL 12402-5-2015 pdf download.ANSI/CAN/UL-12402-5:2015, Personal flotation devices – Part 5: Buoyancy aids(level 50) – Safety requirements.
3.24DV DT Modification by adding secondary inflation definition to clause 3:
secondary inflation — alternate method of inflation which is provided in case the primary system fails
3.25DV DT Modification by adding primary inflation chamber(s) definition to clause 3:
primary inflation chamber(s) — Inflation chamber(s) associated with the primary Inflation system(s) that meets the applicable PFD performance requirements and provides the greatest in-water performance and ease of use
3.26DV DT Modification by adding back-up inflation chamber definition to clause 3:
back-up Inflation chamber — Inflation chamber(s) other than the primary chamber(s) that, when used alone or together, provides redundancy to float the wearer In case a primary inflation chamber fails to function
3.27DV DT Modification by adding supplemental Inflation chamber definition to clause
supplemental Inflation chamber — inflation chamber other than a primary or back-up chamber that is intended for deployment after stabilization in the water, and provides enhanced performance such as higher freeboard, improved head support, additional stability, or features such as splash protection, location detection, etc.
3280V D2 Modification by adding somatotypes definition to clause 3:
3.28.1DV somatotypes — four categories of human body types based physical characteristics: endomorphy (En), mesomorphy (Me), ectonlorphy (Ec), and central (Ce).
a) endomorph (En) — body type having a more rounded appearance with limited muscle cfetinition, normal bone structure, higher body fat, and typically the waist and thigh areas carry a larger percentage of body mass than the upper chest area
b) mesomorph (Me) — body type having well defined muscles, large bone structure, and low body fat with broad shoulders tapering to a defined narrower waist
C) ectomorph (Ec) — lean body type with low muscle mass, light bone structure, and low body fat with a linear physique
d) central somatotype — body type having no dominant endomorph, mesomorph, or ectomorph characteristics
3.290V 02 Modification by adding primary closure definition to clause 3:
primary closure — one or more means of securing the device onto the body so that the device can be expected to function substantially in the intended manner without the use of any other means of fastening the device onto the body
3.3ODV D2 Modification by adding secondary closure definition to clause 3:
secondary closure — closure or closures not meeting the definition of a primary closure
4.1.2 Buoyancy aids
These devices should be comfortable for continuous wear and provide hit, without significant face-up turning ability, to float the conscious user with the level of support marked on the device. Buoyancy aids shall at least be suitable for sheltered waters, but at higher performance levels may be suitable for some users in other waters.
4.1.3 Special purpose litejackets and buoyancy aids
These devices perform as in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 with different levels of support, but have rnod&ations related to special applications for use. These applications shall not relate to essential requirements such as in-water performance, stability and safety in use. The specific conditions for use shall be stated on their label to maintain essential requirements.
4.1 DV DT Modification by replacing entire clause 4.1 as follows:
4.1DV.1 Classes
4.1.1DV.1 Buoyancy aids
A buoyancy aid is a garment or device that, when worn correctly, will provide support without significant face up turning ability and therefore may require action by the user to position the face clear of the water. A buoyancy aid provides suitable performance in sheltered waters, and at higher levels of support. may be suitable for use in other waters.
4.1 .2DV.1 Lifelackets
A lifejacket is a garment or device that, when worn correctly, will maintain the user in a
face-up flotation position, without additional action, with various levels of performance
suitable for open waters. When tested to the relevant part of this standard, a lifejacket has
a buoyancy distribution sufficient to turn most users, wearing swimming attire, to a
position where the mouth Is clear of the water even when exhausted.
4.1.3DV.1 Special purpose devices
A special purpose device has performance equivalent to a Ilfejacket or buoyancy aid, but has modifications related to specific applications for use. These modifications may require additional action by the user, or may only be suitable for certain activities or user groups.

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