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UL 60691-2016 pdf download

UL 60691-2016 pdf download.Thermal-Links – Requirements and Application Guide. The tolerance of the test current shall be within 2,5% of the specified test current. If a ThEIAL-UM has the same current rating at more than one voltage, a test at the highest vohage is considered to be representative of tests at the lower voltages. If a w.-ue has more than one voltage rating within a specific power factor group, the tests shall cover the condibons of maximum voltage, power, and current. One test may cover two of these conditions. For TRUAL-UNKS assigned a PILOT DUTY rating, the test load shall consist of an electromagnet representative of the magnet coil load that the TIIMAL-LINK is intended to control. The test current shall be the normal current which shall be determined from the voltage and volt-ampere rating of the TH€RUAL-IJM(. For an alternating current TUEPA,L•LI1K. the power factor shall be 0,35 or less and the inrush current characteristic of the coil shall be 10 times the normal current. The test shall be conducted with the armature closed. Compliance is checked by the following tesL
The samples shall be placed in a test oven, stabilized at a temperature of T, — 30 K (or lower if declared by the manufacturer). The TI*gMAL-LMiKS in the test oven shall then be energized and the oven temperature increased at the rate 01(2 ± 1) K/mm and the test shall be continued until the flIERAU.L-LaVK functions or the oven temperature reaches 30 K above T,
Furthermore the r i-wrs shall open the test circuit at a temperature below or equal to T
The ri*i.-u may operate immediately after being energized, in which case the temperature increase of (2 ±1) K/mm Is not necessary and the test may be stopped.
I 03.2.10 The oven temperature may be monitored by means of a thermocouple attached to an identical but non-functioning rrea -uw mounted adjacent to the samples under test.
10.3.2. 11 A reL-L that is rated for controlling an alternating•current motor is acceptable for alternating-current PItor our’ without further wisurwio cuw.’a tests II during the original WIETh%FTWio cuwwr test, the power factor was 0,5 or less, and if ti-re our,’ inrush current at the same voltage is not more than 67% of the rated locked rotor current (LRA) of the device. There shall be no damage to the integral leads of a THeRMAL-UNK. The case of an enclosed element shall remain intact. The quick-acting and high-breaking 1 A fuse (see IEC 60127-2, Standard sheet 1) specified in and shall not function (open). An exposed element shall not arc to adjacent metal parts and matenal shall not be expelled which may harm the surrounding area, After these tests, the insulation resistance shall comply with the requirements of 10.2.
11.2.2 Compi,ance As determined by checAing the continuity of the r-w after comp’etion of the
test. The ThEPJML-LA’a( shah not change its State of conductivity.
11.2.3 For requirements for THERMAL-LI packaged assemblies, see Annex H.
11.3.1 For devices rated less than 250°C. the Tf€RMAL-UNKS shall be exposed in the test oven or oil bath to T, — 12 K or as declared by the manufacturer, but not higher than 2 K below the lowest tolerance. The temperature shall then be stabilized, shown when two consecutive readings taken 5 mm apart are within 1 K of each other.
11.3.2 For devices rated 250°C or higher. the TAMAL-LPI(S shall be exposed to T1 — 22 K, or as declared by the manufacturer, but not higher than 2 K below the lowest tolerance, The temperature shall then be stabilized, shown when two consecutive readings taken 5 mm apart are within 1 K of each other,
11.3.3 The temperature shall then be increased steadily with a rate of rise between 0,5 K/mm to 1 Klmin, until all specimens have functioned.
11.3.4 The individual functioning temperature of TH9UAi-UNKS, rated less than 250CC. shall be recorded and they shall be not less than as declared by the manufacturer, or Tq — 10 K if no declaration is made.

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