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UL 60745-2-17-2011 pdf download

UL 60745-2-17-2011 pdf download.Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools -Safety- Part 2-17: Particular Requirements for Routers and Trimmers.
C) the parallelism shall either be adjustable or be less than 1 mm per 100 mm length, when not adjustable.
Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement. The parallelism is measured 2 mm above the plane of the table at the end points of the fences.
M.1 9.1.302.1.2 Fence construction and adjustment The tollowing requirements apply.
a) Fence plates shall be adjustable to maintain the radial spacing from the cutter tool to the fence to be less than 3 mm.
b) It an offset movement Is possible, the parallelism between infeed and oulfeed plate of the fence shall be maintained when offset movement is made as an assembly or when individually adjusted.
C) Fence plates shall be adjustable in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the fence (see Figure M.312).
d) Adjustments of a), b) and C) shall be capable of being undertaken without the aid of a tool.
e) The fence assembly shall be capable of being fixed securely to the table.
f) The part of the fence plates that may be incidentally contacted through the fence adjustment range by any of the recommended cutter tools shall be made of light alloy, plastic, wood, or other material that does not damage the Cutter tool.
g) The fence plates shall either be fitted with a device erisunng continuity between the fence plates, or shall be equipped with fixing arrangements which would permit such a device to be filled (e.g. false fence).
Compliance is checked by inspection and measurement.
M.19.1.302.2 Curved work
For curved work, working stands with D, > 27 mm shall be provided with a guide with a lead-in device that allows progressive feed of the workplece to the cutting tool or a starter pin suitable for curved work in combination with instructions for the use of integrated ball ring cutting tool shall be provided (Figure M,305).
Compliance is checked by inspection.
M.19.1.303 Guarding of the rotating parts M,19.1.303.1 Guarding below the table
Access to the cutter tool between the base plate of the router and the bottom of the table shall be prevented
Compliance is checked by inspection and by testing th the standard test linger in Figure 1.
M.19.1.3032 Guarding above the table
A barrier guard shall be provided to guard that portion of the cutting tool above the table top which is not roquired for cutting.
Compliance is checked by inspection.
M.19.1.303.2.1 Guarding for straight work
M.191.303.2.1.1 Cutter tool guarding — cutting area
Guarding shall be performed by means of a manually adjustable or self adjusting guard, devices such as pressure devices and fence plates described in M.19,1.302.1.
• The periphery and the height of a self adpusling guard shall be sufficient in size to accommodate the maximum permissible cutting tool dimension.
• A manually adlustable guard shall be vertically adjustable from table top level to the height at least equai to the height of the fence or the maximum permissible cutting tool height dimension, whichever is higher, and shall cover at least 1800 of the cutter’s circumference and the diameter shall be greater than the table hole diameter.
Compliance is checked by inspection, measurement and by the following test.
With the cutter tool fitted which is likely to yield the most unlavourable results, the face of the fence plane is aligned with the axis of the router spindle and the guard is in normal cutter tool covering position.
With the lest probe of Figure M.306 is orientated perpendicular to the table, it is advanced towards the cutter tool in the direction perpendicular to the table. Then the probe is advanced in dfrection parallel to the table, towards the cutter tooL The probe shall not contact any portion of the cutler tool.
Pressure devices shall be designed to keep the workpiece in contact with the table and the fence plates to prevent access to the cutting tool (see Figure M.304).

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