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UL 1917-2013 pdf download

UL 1917-2013 pdf download.Solid-State Fan Speed Controls.
Exception No. 2: A field-wiring terminal intended only for the connection of a control circuit conductor need not be mai*ed with a value of tightening torque it tested in accordance with the applicable requirements in UL 486A or UL 486E. with a value of tightening torque of 7 pound-inches (0.8 Nm).
14.4.9 A wlre-bhiding screw to which held-wiring connections are made shall be 8 (4.2 mm) or larger.
Exception: A No. 6 screw (3.5 mm) may be used at a terminal intended only for connection of a 14 AWG (2.1 mm2) conductor.
14.4.10 A terminal ptate tapped for a wire•binding screw shail be of metal not less than 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) thick for a 14 AWG (2.1 mm2) or smaller wire, and not less than 0.050 inch (1.27 mm) thick for a wire larger than 14 AWG. There shall be at least two full threads in the plate,
Exception: Two lull threads are not required if fewer threads result in a secure connection In which the threads Will not strip upon applcat;on of a 20 pound-inch (2.3 N’m) tightening torque.
14.4.11 A terminal plate formed from stock having the required thickness specified in 14.4.10 may have the metal extruded at the tapped hole for the binding screw to provide two full threads.
14.4.12 A wire-binding screw shall thread into metal.
14.5 Field wiring space
14.5.1 The space within the enclosure of a permanently connected speed control shall be sufficient to provide room for the distribution of wires and cables required for the proper wiring of the control. 15 Supply Connections — Cord Connected Speed Controls
15.1 Cords and plugs
15.1.1 A cord-connected speed control shall be provided with a length of flexible cord and an attachment plug for connection to the branch.circuit supply.
15.1.2 The power supply cord shall be of the grounding type or be provided with a polarized plug and shall employ one ol the following flexible cord types: SP-2. SJ, SJE. SJO, SJT. SJTO, or SVT.
15.1.3 Flexible cord type SP-2 shall be used in lengths not to exceed 8 feet (2.4 m).
15.1.4 For nominal 120 V fan speed controls, both the attachment plug and receptacle connections snail comply with Figure 15.1. and the polarity identification of the flexible cord shall comply with Table 15.1.
151 6 The length of a power supply cord — as measured from the outside surface of the enclosure of the
speed control to the plane of the face attachment plug — shall not exceed 16 feet (4.9 m) nor be less than
6 feet (1.8 m).
151.7 A power supply cord shall have a voltage rating not less than the rated voltage of the speed control and have an ampacity not less than the current rating of the speed control.
15.1.8 The attachment plug shall comply with the Standard for Attachment Plugs and Receptacles. UL
498. It shall be of a type suitable for use:
a) With a current not less than the rated current of the speed control; and
b) At a voltage equal to the rated voltage of the speed control. 15.2 StraIn relIef
15.2.1 Strain relief shall be provided so that a mechanical stress on the supply cord is not transmitted to a terminal, splice, or internal wiring. The cord shall be prevented from being displaced within the enclosure resulting in reduced spacings to values less the minimum acceptable values.
Exception: Strain relief is not required lithe conductors of the supply cord are assetnbjed to a wiring devrce, such as a switch, a lampholder. or the like, by the manufacturer of the wiring device In such a manner that replacement of the cord requires the disassembly of the wiring device by removal of a rivet. a drive screw, a drive pin, or the equvaIen1.
1522 A bushing employed for strain relief shall be separately investigated and suitable for the type and size of conductor intended to be used.
15.2.3 It a knot in a flexible cord serves as strain relief, a surface that the knot may contact shall be free from projections, sharp edges, burrs, fins, and the like, that may cause abrasion of the insulation on the conductors.
15.2.4 Means shall be provided to prevent the supply cord or lead from being pushed into the enclosure of a product through the cord-entry hole when such displacement results in.

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