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UL 2771-2011 pdf download

UL 2771-2011 pdf download.Paper Products.
18 General Allocation Principles and Procedures
The allocation principles described here are consistent with:
a) American Forest & Paper Association. Canadian Pulp and Paper Association: LCI Users Guide: 1996; and
b) International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee 207, Subcommittee 5: Committee Draft 14041, Environmental Management — Life Cycle Assessment — Inventory Analysis: December 01, 1995.
18.1 These are important allocation principles that shall be followed when compiling data:
a) The product system will probably not exist in isolation. It may include multiple processes and may share processes with other products. Allocation assumptions and procedures shall reflect this network of operations within the overall system. The relevant processes or linked systems shall be identified. and only the relevant loadings (e.g., energy use) assigned to the product.
b) Extreme allocations, such as assigning all or none of the loading to the product, are generally not appropriate unless only one product is manufactured at the mill. Any such allocations shall be completely justifiable and directly supported by data.
c) The inventory of all individual product loadings shall equal the inventory for the total mill. A
check shall be made to see if this is the case. Since logistics and resources may not allow for a
complete massenergy balance, any deviations shall be documented and justified.
d) Allocation factors (e.g., an energy or mass ratio) is to be used to assign appropriate loadings to the product.
e) If several allocation approaches seem possible. a sensitivity analysis shall be conducted on the results to see the consequences of choosing one approach over another. If the assumptions prove to be highly sensitive, the assumptions shall be reviewed and possibly changed.
18.2 These procedures are listed in a preferred order of priority.
a) Wherever possible. allocations shall be minimized.
b) Any allocation shall reflect the underlying physical relationship that exists between system inputs and outputs. These physical relationships shall reflect the manner in which inputs and outputs are altered by quantitative changes in the product (i.e. causal physical relationships).
c) Direct causal relationships that are measurable by physical parameters shall be used wherever possible (e.g.. gasoline and diesel are used only for transportation, spent pulping liquor is used as an energy source for only one product at the mill, etc.).
d) Where these physical causal relationships cannot be established as a basis for allocation, economic or market descriptors shall be used. Other possible descriptors may include a mass balance using production tonnage or applying a ratio of non-black liquor generated steam to black liquor generated steam.
18.3 Keep the following points in mind when using any allocation procedures.
a) There shall be a uniform and consistent application of allocation procedures to inputs and outputs of the system. For example, if a particular fuel allocation is made when determining energy use, that same allocation shall be applied to other determinations, such as air emissions.
b) All values shall be allocated to the product according to clearly stated procedures and assumptions. The assumptions shall be documented in sufficient detail or shall have supporting data sources that are both justifiable and verifiable. Any unallocated portion shall also be fully justified and explained.
American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA)Life Cycle lnventory Analysis; User’s Guide,1996ASTM International
ASTM Method 5220 C or D, Standard Test Method for Examination of Water and Wastewater,17thEdition,American Public Health Association,American Water Works Association, and Water PollutionControl Federation,1989
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
Life-Cycle Analysis Users Guide For the Forest Products SectorEnvironment Canada
EPS 1/RM/19,Reference Method for the Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs)and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in Pulp Mill Effluents,1991
EPS 1/RM/21,Biological Test Method: Test of Reproduction and Survival Using the CladoceranCeriodaphnia dubia,2007
EPS-1-RM-25,Biological Test Method: Growth Inhibition Test Using a Freshwater Algae, 2007
EPS 1/RM/27,Biological Test Method: Fertilization Assay Using Echinoids (Sea Urchins and SandDollars),1992.

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