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ISO 8442-8:2000 pdf download

ISO 8442-8:2000 pdf download.Materials and articles in contact with
foodstuffs -Cutlery and table holloware 一Part 8: Requirements for silver table anddecorative holloware.
load-bearing attachment
attachment upon which a force resulting trom the support ot the mass ot the holloware andior its contents will he applied in normal use.
NOTE Examples are handles, taps. feet. bases, spouts and goblet stems.
metal in excess of that required to shape an article and which forms a thin plate at its edges.
usable capacity
volume of liquid required to fill a tank (e.g. tea-pot) to 15 mm ± 1 mm of its rim.
sudden transformation of an apparently flat surface of an item of holloware from convex to concave when a load is applied to the convex side, usually accompanied by a distinctive sound.
4 Material
4.1 General
Table and decorative holloware shall be made of silver or its alloys with a minimum fineness of 800 (expressed in parts per thousand) that enable the finished product to meet all of the performance requirements of this standard and which shall be neither detrimental to health nor have any detrimental organolepic etkcts.
4.2 Soldering
Precious metals in an article shall be soldered according to prEN 1904: 1995.
4.3 Non-metals
Non-metal parts of silver table and decorative holloware may be made of such materials as glass. ceramics, wood, wood-plastics laminates, impregnated wood or similar materials provided that the finished holloware complies with the relevant performance requirements of clause 6. Non-metal parts of table holloware shall he capable of withstanding washing processes in aqueous solutions at 60 °C.
5 Uniformity and absence of defects
5.1 All surfaces shall be free from cracks and other defects.
5.2 All accessible edges shall be free from burrs and the roughness of blanked edges shall have been removed by a suitable operation.
5.3 There shall be no gaps in excess of 0,4 mm between components. Seams joining hollow sections together shall be watertight unless required by the design.
5.4 Compliance with the requiremenis of 5.1 to 5.3 shall be checked by touch or by visual inspection with the unaided eye and 5.3 with a feeler gauge of appropriate thickness.
6 Performance
6.1 Strength under load
6.1.1 Resistance of rectangular and square trays and dishes to twisting
The temporary deflection of a rectangular or square tray or flat dish exceeding 300 mm at its maximum axis shall not exceed 3,5 mm in 100 mm deviation from Oat in any diagonal across the surface of the base when tested in accordance with the method described in Annex
6.1.2 Resistance of trays and dishes to popping
A tray or dish shall not exhibit popping when tested in accordance with the method described in Annex C.
6.2 Attachment strength
There shall he no breakage, visible defrmation or disengagement of any load bearing attachment when it is tested in accordance with the method described in Annex D.
6.3 Stability
When placed on a hard plane surface an item with feet shall be stable within the clearance limit given in table I and no flat item shall he capable of being freely spun around by the application of a tangential force.
6.4 Pouring
Spout openings shall pour cleanly without dribbling when tested in accordance with themethod described in Annex E.
6.5 Handle temperatures
The maximum temperature of any point which is contacted by the hand in normal use on ahandle of a vessel intended to contain hot liquid shall not exceed the following when testedin accordance with the method described in Annex F:
– for handles of plastics, wood or similar material: 70° C;- for glass, porcelain or similar: 60°C;
– for insulated metal handles: 50° c.
7 Marking and labelling
Each item of silver table and decorative holloware shall be legibly and indelibly marked withthe name and/or trade mark or other means of identifying the manufacturer or responsiblesupplier.
The following information should be made available at the point of sale:- the number of this European Standard and
– a statement that the item meets the requirements of the standard.
This information may be provided as leaflets on the packaging or by means of labelling or ona display card or in any other suitable form.

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