ISO 10303-501:2000 pdf download
ISO 10303-501:2000 pdf download.lndustrial automation systems and
integration -Product data representationand exchange — Part 501: Application interpreted construct:Edge-based wireframe.
4.1 Introduction
This part of Iso 10303 provides geometric. topological, and wireframe entities for the representation of a shape that consists of points and curves, with the topological structures providing connectiiLy. This AIC is represented by the entity edge_based_wireframe_shape_representation. that is a shape_representation (see ISO 10303-41).
4.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions
This wireframe representation of a shape is based on the edge_based_wireframe_model and the geometric and topological entities required. The shapes represented by the edge_based_wirefrarne_shape_representation are those with definitions that only require collections of edges. Wireframe representations may he assemblies of other wireframe representations that are mapped to the same coordinate space.
4.3 aic_edge_based_wi refranie entity definition: edge_hased_wirefrarne_shape_representation
An edge_hased_wirefranie_shape_representation is a three-dimensional shape_representation that represents the shape, or a portion of the shape. of a product by wireframes that are trimmed by edge topology. This includes all three-dimensional curves and topological entities that define a graph of vertices and edges.
NOTE – An application protocol that uses this AIC may ensure that the shape_representation entity is instantiated as an edge_based_wireframe_shape_representation,
The items in an edge_bused_wireframe_shape_representation shall be an edge_based_wireframe_model, mapped_item, or axis2_placement_3d.
WR2: At least one of the items in an edge_based_wireframe_shape_representation shall be either an edge_based_wireframe_model or a mapped_item.
WR3: Every edge in an edge_based_wirefrarne_model shall be an edge_curve.
WR4: Every polyline that underlies an edge of an edge_based_wireframe_mode! shall be defined by more than two distinct points.
WR5: Every erte defined for an edge_based_wireframe_model shall be a verte%_point.
%R6• The edge_geometry that underlies an edge for an edge_based_ireframe_model shall be a line. conic. b_spline_curve, offset_curve_3d, polyline. or curve_replica and the curves that have a basis defined by other curves are done so consistently. In the case of an oltset_curve_3d or curs c_replica the curve referenced as basis_curve shall be one of the above types.
%rk7. The vertex_geometry that underlies the edges for an edge_based_wireframe_model shall be a cartesian_point or point_replica and the point_replica shall replicate either another point_replica or a cartesian_point.
WRg: If there is a mapped_item in an edgc_based_wireframe_shape_representation. the source of the mapped_item shall be an edge_based_wireframe_shape_representation.
WR9: The edge_based_wireframe_shape_represcntation shall have a coordinate_space_dimension equal to three.
4.4 ale_edge_based_wi refrarne function definitions
4.4.1 valid_wireframe_.edge_curve
The valid_wireframe_edge_curve function determines whether or not an input curve is valid for use in representing a shape defined by a topologically bounded wireframe.