API 510:2006 pdf download
API 510:2006 pdf download.Pressure Vessel Inspection Code:ln-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration.
Fur the purposes of this code. the following definitions apply.
3.1 AC FM: Alternating current field measuremeat.
3.2 alteratIon: A physical change in any component thai has design implications that atlect the pressure-containing capability of a pressure vessel beyond the scope described in existing data reports. The following should not be considered alterations: any compar.ibk or duplicate replacement, the addition of any reinforced noizle less than or equal to the site of existing reinforced nozzles, and thc addition of nozzles nut requinng reunforecnient.
3.3 applicable construction code: The code, code section. or other recognized and generally accepted engineering standard or practice to which the pressure vessel was built or which is deemed by the owneruser or the engineer to be most appropriair for the situation.
3.4 ASME code: refers to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code including its addenda and code cases.
3.5 authorization: Approval’agreement to perform a specific activity (e.g. repair) pnor to the activity being performed.
3.6 authorized inspection agency: Any one of the following;
a. The inspection organization of the jurisdiction in which the pressure vessel is uscd.
b. The inspection organization of an insurance company that is licensed or registered to write and does write pressure vessel insurance;
c. The inspection organization of an owner or user of pressure vessek who maintains an inspection organization for his equip- mciii only and not for vessels intended for sale or resale; or
d. An independent organization or indi idual that is under contract to and under the direction of an owner/user and that is recognized or otherwise not prohibited by the jurisdiction in which the pressure vessel is used. The owncr”uscr’s inspection program shall provide the controls that arc necessaty when contract inspectors are used.
3.7 authorized pressure vessel inspector: An employee of an authorized inspection agency who is qualified and cclii- fled to perform inspections under this inspection code. A nun-destructive (NDE) examiner is not required to be an aLithorized pressure vessel inspector. Whenever the term Inspector is used in API 510. it refers to an authorized pressure vessel inspector.
3.8 class of vessels: Pressure vessels used in a common circumstance of service, pressure and risk.
3.9 condItion monitoring locations (CMLs): l)csignatcd areas on pressure vessels where pcnodic examinations arc conducted. Previously, they were normally referred to as “thickness monitoring locations iTMLsr.
3.10 construction code: The code or standard a vessel was originally built to. such as APLASME. API. or State Spccial” non-ASME.
3.11 controlled-deposItIon welding: Any welding technique used to obtain controlled grain refinement and tempering of the underlying hear afrected tone (JIAZI in the base nietal. Various controlled-deposition techniques, such as temper-bead (tempering of the layer below the current bead being deposited) and half-bead (requiring removal of one-half of the first layer), arc included.
3.12 corrosion rate: The rate of metal loss due to the reaction(s) with its environment.
3.13 corrosion specialist: A person, acceptable to the owner.user. who has knowledge and experience in corrosion damage mechanisms, metallurgy, materials sclcctiun, and corrosion monitoring techniques.
3.14 corrosion under insulation (CUI): Refers to all tlwms of corrosion under insulation including strcss corrosion cracking.
3.15 defect: An imperfection, whose type or sizc, exceeds the applicable acceptance criteria
3.16 design temperature: The temperature used in the design of the pressure vessel per the applicable construction code.
3.17 documentation: Records containing descriptions of specific training, inspection. NDE. and pressure testing activities, or procedures for undertaking these aciw,tics.
3.18 ET: Eddy current examination technique.
3.19 engineer Pressure vessel engineer.
3.20 examiner: A person who assists the inspector by performing specific nondestructive examination (N[W) on pressure vessel components but does not evaluate the results of those examinations in accordance with API 510. unless specifically trained and authorized to do so by the owneruser.
3.21 external inspection: A visual inspection performed from the outside of a pressure vessel to find conditions that could impact the vessel’s ability to maintain pressure integrity or conditions that compromise the integrity of the supporting structures. e.g. ladders, platforms. This inspection may be done either while the vessel is operating or while the vessel is out-of-service.
3.22 fitness-for-service evaluation: A methodology whereby flaws and conditions contained within an equipmcnt item are assessed in order to determine the integnty of the equipment for continued service.
3.23 general corrosion: Corrosion that is distributed more or less uniformly oscr the surface of the metal.
3.24 hold point: A point in the repair or alteration process beyond which work may not proceed until the required insp-ction or NDE has been performed and documented.