API IP RP 1597:2006 pdf download
Wing decals shall be fined.
— All overwing jet fuel no,,les arc equipped with the wjdc jet nozzle spout.
The customer shall be advised to notify the refuelling stafiof any change in the %ianding order requirement if the aircraft type or grade fuel requirement changes.
A delivery ticket with grade and quantity shall be left with the fuelled aircraft where unattended fuellings occur, This pros ides the cLIstenwr with the opportunity to confirm th grade supplied prior to opcrating thc aircraft after fuelling.
At Locations where it is impractical to have the jet fuel wide nozzle spout fitted because of the high number of aircraft unable to accept theni i more than five overwing fuellings per shift requiring the small jet nozzle spout) then the following procedure shall he adopied:
— The smaller diameter jet nozzle spout shall he permanently fitted.
A Fuel Order Register of jet aircraft that cannot accept the wide jet nozzle spout shall he developed. The Fuel Order Register requires a histoflcal log with dates for any revisions and it shall be reviewed at least every six months for correctness. In addition to sighting the grade decals in order to obtain written confirmation of the grade required. the refuelling staff shall also verify whether the aircraft is on the Fuel Order Register. Aircraft not identilied on this Fuel Order Register must have a normal Fuel Order Form completed. Aircraft identified on the Fuel Order Reatsier but without lccals insist also have a Fuel Order Fonn completed. Any aircraft NOT on the register shall only be fuelled by conlinnation of aircraft decal and completion of a Fuel Order Form.
Often airports will havc similar looking fuelling vehicles or other fuelling equipment supplying both jet fuel ansi avgas. While grade eonfirmaeion procedu.e-s ensure identification of the correct grade, it is still possible to incorrectly identify the equipment and hence deliver the wrong grade into aircraft.
Aviation fuel dispensing vehicles
The identifying product grade labels (see El 1542) shall be applied to the front, back, sides, and prominently displayed inside the driving compartment. In addition the grade decals should he visible from each fuelling hose reel and fueller bottom load adapter.
Stationary/curbside fuelling cabinets
Fuelling cabinets, which cover piping, filters. pumps, valves and hose reels, should bear grade identification labels (see El 1542). Labels fIr the specific grade should be installed on all sides, tops, and inside main access doors to stationary fuelling equipment.
Dispensing nozzles
Overwing nozzles shall be colour-coded or use colour-coded handles in the product grade colour (i.e. jet fuel — black; avgas – redj which will assist in identification of the correct grade when fuelling aircraft. The use of small grade decals in addition to painting the nozzle or using colour-coded handles can he an additional safguard. It is also recommended components of the nozzle, such as the spout, which come in contact with fuel or aircraft connectors, should not he painted.
Adherence to the quality control Procedures required at each site will assist in identifying that the correct grade of fuel has been received and that fuel remains uncontaminated at the airport prior to delivery to the customer. Such quality control checks shall include:
— Ensuring the API gravity or density measurement falls in the appropriate range for the grade of fuel being delivered.
The API gravity or density checks are compared to receiving quality documentation and fall within the acceptable tolerance limits.