Home>API Standards>API IP Spec 1596:2006 pdf download

API IP Spec 1596:2006 pdf download

vertical vessels that incorporate a sleeved liftcolunn attached to the lid. operated by a hydraulic jack
or cam lever.shall incorporate a safety device so thatthc lid. onccraised.cannotinadvcrtently drop.
Typically. this can be achieved by inscrting a pinthrough the lift column above its guide sleeve.
ln order to facilitate maintenance of verticalvesscls, and cspccially if the vessel includes hardwarcor other items assembled to the element mounting plate,the length ( from the head lid to the clement mounts) todiameter ratio of the main shell should not exceed1.75:l (for vessels s 6l cm (24 in.) diameter). or 2.5:l( for vesscls > 6l cm (24 in.) diamcter). cxcept whcrcthe items can casily be reached by hand i.e. the lid tomounting plate length is less than 5o0 mm (20 in.).Note: Purchasers may specify othcr L/D requircments.
Sealing of the lid to the vessel end flange or reinforcing ring is preferably done using an O-ring sealrather than a flat gasket.
Work platforms including access steps and handrailsshall be provided where necessary to permit vesscls tobe internally inspected and elements replaced safely.The work platform shall be provided by the installationcontraclor unless otherwise agreed by the manufacturerand purchaser.
All parts of the vessel shall be accessible for inspectionand cleaning. Access may be from the main cover, theinlct and outlet conncctions for vcsscls mounted onmobile equipment, or alternatively a specially installedclean-out conncction of minimum ioo mm (4 in.)intcrnal diamctcr. The clean-out connection shall bcinstalled on the horizontal axis so that only a minimalamount of water can collect in that area.Where theclcan-out connection cannot bc locatcd on a horizontalaxis every effort must be made to minimise any watercollection area.
Removal of the vesscl’s inlct or outlet piping is notan acceptable method for providing access to thevessel’s intcrior in fixed installations.
Watcr shall drain freely from the cntire vesscl andsump.A sump having a flat.level base does not mectthisrequirement. Vessel designs (i.c. lid scalingschemes) that create void spaces that can trap water donot mcct this requirement.All chambcrs.including thcinlet and outlet branches.must be provided with portsso that fuel and/or any accumulated contamination canbe complctcly removed via low-point drains.Tofacilitate this.surfaces shall avoid localised low pointsor stagnant arcas. Thc main chambcr containing thcelements shall incorporate a definite slope toward a lowpoint. For flat plates the minimum slope shall be threedegrees. Vertical monitor vessels utilising 50 mm (2 in.)clements are cxcmpt from this requirement as archorizontal vessels on mobile equipment. Wheremanifolds are used in vertical vesscls.the lower dished(concave) end of the vessel shall be acceptable withoutmodification.
Internal weld beads on half couplings or pipe stubsshall not protrudc to causc localised trapping ofcontamination.
The height between any vesscl drain’sample portand the ground shall be a minimum of 600 mm(24 in.).unless otherwise agreed by the purchaser. This allowsfor installation of valves. fittings and extension lineswhilst leaving enough clearance for the use of a bucket.
The free cnds of all clements grcatcr than 46 cm ( 18 in.)long. regardless ofmountingassembly.shall besupported firmly against vibration. Refer to section 3,4or 5 for specific requirements.
One method for supporting 150mm (6 in. ) diameterclements is to use a spider plate joining the clementcnds togetherand stabilising this against the vessel wall.The spider plate may be bolted to a lug on the vessclwall,also scrving as the electrical bonding point, or maybe fitted with an adjustable arm cdged with a protcetivesleeve (of a material that meets the requirements of 2.5.3 ) that presses against the vessel wall. In the lattcrcase.the spider shall be bonded separately to the vessel.ln all cases, the resistance between the spider plate andthe vesscl shall bc lcss than 10 ohms.

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