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API MPMS 12.2.5:2001 pdf download

API MPMS 12.2.5:2001 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12- Calculation of Petroleum Quantities.
Note: Having no range criteria on the “out” and ‘back” run set average volumes reduces the statical rigor of this method.
a. The calibration run set average “round-trip” calibrated prover volume (CPVavg) at reference conditions for three or more consecutive calibration run sets shall exhibit a range of 0.020% or less.
b. The flow rate between consecutive calibration run sets shall be changed by at least 25% or more.
9.2.2 Each calibration run set shall consist of the following sequence and meet the following criteria:
a. Do five or more consecutive out of a maximum of ten consecutive master meter proving runs against the master prover to determine MMFstart. These MMFstarts shall agree within a range of 0.020% or less.
b. Do three or more consecutive out of a maximum of six consecutive field prover round-trip calibration runs with the master meter to determine the average “out” pass volume Vb(out), average “back” pass volume Vb(back) and average “round-trip” volume (C’PVavg). The three or more consecutive round-trip calibrated prover volumes (CPVn) at reference conditions shall exhibit a range of 0.020°/o or less.
c. Do five or more consecutive out of a maximum often consecutive master meter proving runs against the master prover to determine MMFstop. These MMFsIops shall agree within a range of 0.0200/0 or less.
d. The flow rate during each calibration run set shall he maintained within a range of 2.5%.
e. The delta % between the average of the five consecutive or more out of ten consecutive MMFstarts and the average of the five or more out of ten consecutive MMFstops in each calibration run set shall agree within 0.020%.
Delta % = (MMFsiart — MMFstop) x 100
9.3.1 The use of open tank provers, in this standard, are restricted to master provers only and shall not be calibrated by the master meter method.
9.3.2 For open tank master provers, the calibration sequence is the same as for the unidirectional displacement provers, see 9.1.
As a measure of repeatability, the following equation shall be utilized to calculate and verify the range results:
Repeatability % = [(Max — Min)/(Min)] x 100
Two different meter factor calculation methods are in cornmon use and described in this text. The two methods have been designated. the A’erage Meter Factor Method, and the Average Data Method.
9.5.1 Average Meter Factor Method The Average Meter Factor method calculates an Intermediate Master Meter Factor (IMMfl for each selected run based on the individual (Tj,), (Tinin), (Pp), (P,n,iz), (N), Ni) values. The average (mean) of these separately calculated intermediate master meter factors is used as the Master Meter Factors (MMFstart) and (MMFstop) to calculate the Average Master Meter Factor (MMFavg) for a calibration run set.
= [High(IMMF) — Low(IMMF)ILow(IMMF] x 100
9.5.1 .2 The range of the intermediate master meter factors, for a calibration run set, is used to determine that the required repeatability requirement (<0.020 percent) has been satisfied. 9.5.2 Average Data Method The Average Data Method calculates the Master Meter Factor (MMFstart) and (MMFstop) using Tp(avg), Tin,n(avg), Pp(avg), Pmm(avg), N(avg) values, from all the selected runs which satisfy the repeatability requirement stated in 9.3. R% = [(High(N) — Low(N))/Low(N)] x 100 The range of the pulses (N), or interpolated (Ni), for the selected runs, is used to determine that the required repeatability requirement (<0.020 percent) has been satisfied. 9.5.3 Alternate Calibration Procedure Method If all parties agree, a meter proving may he performed between each field prover calibration run within the calibration run set. In that case, there would be an MMFstop and MMFstart between each field prover calibration run. Each master meter proving would consist of five consecutive runs within a range of 0.020% out of a maximum of five consecutive runs. Each calibration set consists of three field prover consecutive calibration runs within 0.020% out of a maximum of six consecutive runs.

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