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API MPMS 19.3D:2001 pdf download

API MPMS 19.3D:2001 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 19.3- Evaporative Loss Measurement.
3 Terminology
3.1.1 Covered Floating Roof
A floating roof that results from covering an external floating root’ with a fixed roof at the top of the tank shell. This effectively converts the external floating roof to an internal floating roof, while retaining the external-type of’ floating- roof design. These floating roofs are typically designed in accordance with Appendix C of the API Standard 650. Welded Steel Tanks Jir Oil Storage.
3.1.2 Data Acquisition System (DAS)
The equipment used and process of receiving signals from sensors, determining the values corresponding to the signals, and recording the results.
3.1.3 Deck
That part of a floating root’ that provides buoyancy and structure, and which covers the majority of the liquid surface in a bulk liquid storage tank. The deck has an annular space around its perimeter to allow it to rise and descend (as the tank is filled and emptied) without binding against the tank shell. This annular space is closed by a flexible device called a rim seal. The deck may also have penetrations, closed by deck fittings, that accommodate some functional or operational feature of’ the tank.
3.1.4 Deck Fitting
The device that substantially closes a penetration in the deck of a floating roof in a hulk liquid storage tank. Such penetrations are typically for the purpose of accommodating some functional or operational feature of the tank.
3.1.5 Deck Seam
The construction feature of a floating roof pertaining to the joint between adjacent deck sheets or deck panels. Certain types of internal floating roofs are constructed of deck sheets or deck panels that are joined by mechanical means at deck seams. Such mechanically-joined deck seams have an associated deck seam loss. Other types of internal or external floating roofs are constructed of metal sheets that are joined by welding. Such deck seams do not have an associated deck seam loss.
3.1.6 Deck Joint
The construction feature of a floating roof pertaining to the intersection of one deck seam with another deck seam or pertaming to the intersection of a deck seam with the rim of the floating roof. Mechanically-joined deck seams typically incorporate deck joints at locations where the deck seams intersect each other or intersect the rim of the floating roof These deck joint locations have an associated deck joint loss that is separate from the deck seam loss.
3.1.7 Evaporative Loss Factor
An expression used to describe the evaporative loss rate characteristics of a given floating-roof device. In order to obtain the standing storage evaporative loss rate for a bulk liquid storage tank equipped with a floating roof, the evaporative loss factor for each evaporative loss contributing device is modified by certain characteristics of both the climatic conditions and the stored liquid. The characteristics of the stored liquid are expressed as a vapor pressure function, a vapor molecular weight, and a product factor.
3.1.8 External Floating Roof
A floating roof that is exposed to ambient environmental conditions by virtue of being in a bulk liquid storage tank that does not have a fixed roof at the top of the tank shell. External floating roofs are thus distinguished from internal floating roofs, which are located in tanks that do have a fixed roof to protect the floating roof from environmental exposure. External floating roofs are typically designed in accordance with Appendix C of the API Standard 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage.
3.1.9 FET Facility
The entire facility used in the fugitive emission test (FET) method. The FET facility includes: the test pan; the test enclosure; the pressure and temperature sensors: the data acquisition system: the sample and dilution air pumps; the total hydrocarbon analyzers; the flow meters; and the associated flow tubing.
3.1.10 Floating Roof
A device that floats on the surface of the stored liquid in a bulk liquid storage tank. A floating roof substantially covers the liquid product surface, thereby reducing its potential for exposure to evaporation. Floating roofs are comprised of a deck, a rim seal, and miscellaneous deck fittings.
3.1.11 Fuaitive Emission Test Method.

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