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API MPMS 5.3:2005 pdf download

API MPMS 5.3:2005 pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standard sChapter 5—Metering Section 3—Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by Turbine Meters.
5.3.3 Field of Application
The field of application of this section is all segments of the petroleum industry in which dynamic measurement of liquid hydrocarbons is required. This section does not apply to the measurement of two-phase fluids.
5.3.4 Referenced Publications
The current editions of the tbllowing API MPMS Standards contain information applicable to this chapter:
Manual of Petroleum Measurem en! Standards
Chapter 4, “Proving Systems”
Chapter 5.1. “General Considerations for Measurement by Meters”
Chapter 5.4, “Accessory Equipment for Liquid Meters”
Chapter 5.5, “Fidelity and Security of Flow Measurement Pulsed- Data Transmission Systems”
Chapter 7, “Temperature”
Chapter 8, “Sampling”
Chapter 11, “Physical Properties Data”
Chapter 12, “Calculation of Petroleum Quantities”
Chapter 13, “Statistical Aspects of Measuring and Sampling”
5.3.5 Flow Conditioning The performance of turbine meters may be affected by swirl and non—uniform velocity profiles that arc induced by upstream and downstream piping configurations, ‘a lvcs, pumps, fittings, joint misalignment, protruding gaskets, welding projections. or other obstructions. Flow conditioning shall be used to overcome the adverse effects of swirl and non-uniform velocity profiles on turbine meter performance. Flow conditioning requires the use of sufficient lengths of straight pipe or a combination of straight pipe and flow conditioning elements that are inserted in the meter run upstream (and downstream, if flow through the meter is bidirectional) of the turbine meter (see Figure 2). When only straight pipe is used, the liquid shear, or internal friction between the liquid and the pipe wall, shall be sufficient to accomplish the required flow conditioning. Appendix A should be referred to for guidance in applying the technique. Experience has shown that in many installations (e.g., downstream of a simple elbow or Tee) a straight pipe length of 20 meter-bore diameters upstream of the meter and 5 meter-bore diameters downstream of the meter often provides effective flow conditioning. For severe swirl, such as generated by two close coupled elbows out-of-plane (i.e., non-symmetrical swirl) or by a header (i.e., dual symmetrical swirl), a straightening element (i.e., swirl breaker) type of flow conditioner is required. These types of swirl are slow to dissipate in straight pipe, often existing after 100+ diameters of straight pipe. A straightening element or swirl-breaker type of flow conditioner usually consists of a cluster of tubes, vanes, or equivalent devices that are inserted longitudinally in a section of straight pipe (see Figure 2). Straightening elements effectively assist flow conditioning by eliminating swirl. Straightening elements may also consist of a series of perforated plates or wire-mesh screens, but these forms normally cause a larger pressure drop than do tubes or vanes. Proper design and construction of the straightening element is important to ensure that swirl is not generated by the straightening element since swirl negates the function of the flow conditioner. The following guidelines are recommended to avoid the generation of swirl:
a. The cross-section should be as uniform and symmetrical as possible.
b. The design and construction should be rugged enough to resist distortion or movement at high flow rates.
c. The general internal construction should be clean and free from welding protrusions and other obstructions. Isolating type flow conditioners, which produce a swirl-free, uniform velocity profile, independent of upstream piping configurations, are typically more sophisticated, expensive and higher pressure drop than simple straightening element type flow conditioners. However, in certain installations, they provide a performance advantage and should be considered.

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