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API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download

API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download.Gas-Fired Steam Generator- Test Report Site C  Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources.
An overview of the sampling and analysis procedures is given in Table 3-1. Figure 3-1 shows the testing chronology for the dilution tunnel and in-stack methods. The time of day for the start and finish of each measurement run is shown on the figure. For example, Method 201 A/202 Run I began at 09:30 hours and finished at 15:30 hours on Thursday, October 21. Dilution tunnel testing and in-stack testing were performed concurrently. All samples were collected at approximately the same point in the center of the stack; the dilution tunnel and in-stack test method probes were co-located. Testing during Run 3 was halted before the 6-hour sample time due to a process upset. A change in fuel quality caused the oxygen levels in the flue gas to drop, and the unit was not able to automatically adjust to the low levels.
An S-type Pitot tube (EPA Method 2) was used to determine the average stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate. Stack gas molecular weight was calculated in accordance with EPA Method 3. Moisture content of the sample was determined based on weight gain of the impingers used in the Method 201 A1202 train according to EPA Method 4. A full velocity traverse of the stack was performed befbre and after each test to determine total stack gas flow rate.
02,C02,CO, AND NOX
Major gases and pollutant concentrations in the stack sample were measured using a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS), illustrated schematically in Figure 3-2. Table 3-2 lists the CEMS specifications. The sample was collected from a single traverse point in the stack after verifying that the gas concentration profile deviated by less than 10 percent of the mean concentration. Sample gas was passed through a primary in-stack sintered metal filter, a heated stainless steel probe, a heated Teflon® transfer line, a primary moisture removal system (heat exchanger impingers in an ice bath), a heated secondary filter, a diaphragm pump, and a heated back-pressure regulator to a thermoelectric water condenser. The condenser’s heat exchangers are specially designed impingers that separate the condensate from the gas sample with a minimum of contact area to avoid loss of the water soluble gas fraction. The condensate was removed with a peristaltic pump through the bottom of the heat exchanger. All components in contact with the sample were constructed of inert materials such as glass, stainless steel, and tetrafluoroethylene (TFE). All components preceding the condenser (probe, sample line, sample bypass regulator, and pump) were heated to 248° F to prevent condensation. The sample was conducted from the chiller outlet through the TFE line to a tertiary filter preceding the sample manifold. Samples were analyzed for 02 and CO2 using instrumental methods according to EPA Method 3A. 04 was measured using a paramagnetic analyzer and CO2 was measured using a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer. Samples were analyzed for NO using a low-pressure chemiluminescence analyzer with a molybdenum nitrogen dioxide (N02)-to-nitric oxide (NO) converter according to EPA Method 7E. CO was determined using a NDIR analyzer following EPA Method 10.

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