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API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download

API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download.Comparison of API and EPA Toxic Air
Pollutant Emission Factors for Combustion Sources.
The GTI (formerly the Gas Research Institute) and API recently published9 the results of a research program to characterize HAP emissions from petroleum industry combustion sources. The program included testing of eight IC engines, one gas turbine, two boilers, and one heater. The program used FTIR as the primary method for measuring air toxics from each source. The target compound list included organic HAPs, polycyclic compounds, aldehydes, and metals. The emission factors developed under this program can potentially be used to verify published factors or fill in existing gaps in HAP emission factors.
An earlier GTI studyt° sponsored emissions testing at five facilities, including two sweet gas plants. two sour gas plants. and one natural gas storage facility. A total of seven reciprocating engines, three incinerators, six heaters, three boilers, and three gas turbines were tested. A list of target compounds was developed based on EPA’s list of 1 8 hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and selected state air toxics regulations. Continuous measurements based on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and manual methods were used for measurement of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes. Manual methods were used to measure emissions of semi-volatile organic compounds, particulate matter, and metals.
To begin the process of verifying published factors or filling in existing gaps, several areas of additional research are recommended:
• Determine whether information available in recent literature is sufficient to verify EPA/API emission factors or fill in existing data gaps. Data collected through the ICCR, PERF, and GTI effbrts appear to contain data that can be used to develop more reliable emission factors that are representative of petroleum industry boilers and heaters. A closer examination of these data is needed.
• Collect additional field data for gas-fired boilers to develop emission factors for polycyclic compounds, metals, and organic HAPs. The API committee identified gas-fired boilers/heaters as the highest priority source category. Additional test data for polycyclic compounds, metals, and organic HAPs would improve the quality and reliability of the emission factors.
• Collect additional field data for fuel oil-fired boilers and IC engines to develop emission factors for polycyclic compounds, metals, and organic HAPs. Gas-fired IC engines and fuel oil-fired boilers were identified as the second and third highest priority source categories by the API committee. Additional test data for polycyclic compounds, metals, and organic HAPs would improve the quality and reliability of the emission factors.
• Prepare documentation to demonstrate that the relative potential for dioxin emissions from gas-tired heaters is very low.
• Initiate the process with EPA for updating of AP-42 fuel oil and natural gas external combustion sections. The air toxic emission factors in these sections are based almost entirely on testing of electric utility boilers. Existing data collected through the ICCR. PERF, and GRI efforts described above can be used to develop more reliable emission factors that are representative of petroleum industry boilers and heaters.
• Where possible, consider adding HAP sampling and analysis to existing field data collection efforts. API is executing a related effort to characterize PM2.5 emissions from stationary petroleum industry combustion devices. Adding HAP measurements to the existing test plan may be a cost-effective way to collect additional HAP data to resolve inconsistencies and fill in gaps.
1. compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, AP—42, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, August 2000.
2. Air Toxic Emission Factors for Combustion Sources Using Pet tvleum-Base Fuels, Graphical— User-interface Database and User’s Manual Version 2.02, API Publication Number 349, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, October 1998.

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