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API RP 1007:2001 pdf download

API RP 1007:2001 pdf download.Loading and Unloading of MC 306/DOT 406 Cargo Tank Motor Vehicles.
3.1 Introduction
Tank truck vehicles can he safely loaded when all equipment is used properly and when the person responsible for loading follows prescribed safety procedures. The driver (or loader) should be alert, equipment should be properly maintained and safeguards against spillage, fire or product contamination should be rigidly observed.
In order to prevent product mixtures, the driver should be familiar with the color-coding used to identify loading and receiving equipment. For product color code should refer to API RP1637, “Using the API Color-Symbol System to Mark Equipment & Vehicles for Product Identification a Service Stations and Distribution Terminals”.
Note: Some loading facilities may utilite a color-coding system different froni API RP1637. The driver should check with the facility management to assure familiarity with the color-coding system used at each specific loading ticility.
CAUTION: During switch loading (i.e.. loading distillate when the prior product was gasoline or other Ilammable liquid) the poential fr a lire or cxplosion is greater 11w top loading as compared to bottom loading, due to the potential for static generation from splash filling. For switch-loading procedures, check with the tenninal personnel or dispatcher 11w instructions. Refer to API RP 2003, Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static. Lightning. and Stray Currents.
3.2 Pre-loading Procedures
(Refer To Section 2.2, “Pre-loading Procedures”)
Most of the steps for top loading arc the same as bottom loading, as presented in Section 2.2. “Pre-Loading Procedures” (paragraphs 1-3) & Section 2.3. “Loading”, specifically. Follow those steps before continuing.
1. Make sure that the loading rack bridging gangway is out of the way before pulling under the rack. When positioning the tnick under the rack, park the tank close enough to the rack so that the gangway can be lowered and rest against the top of the tank.
CAUTION: L)o not attempt to walk out onto the gangway if it does not rest solidly against the tank. Never attempt to step on the rounded area of the tank.
2. Before starting to load:
Make sure the tank truck compartments can contain the amount of product scheduled for loading,
• Make sure all unloading valves are closed.
• Open only the dome cover for the tank truck conipartment being filled,
• Keep all other dome covers closed.
3.3 Loading
Most of the steps for top loading are the same as bottom loading, as presented in Section 2.3, “Loading”. Steps 7—14. Follow those steps before continuing:
1. Connect the overfill protection plug/cord. where provided, to the tank truck. Wait for the green (or permission) light to illuminate betbre proceeding. If grounding is not provided through the overfill protection system, the truck must he bonded to the load rack before opening any dome cover. Do not attach to fenders, skirting, any painted surface or parts separated from the tank.
2. Open only the dome cover of the compartment to be loaded.
3. Make sure loading spouts are completely inserted into each tank truck compartment with the bottom of the spout as close as possible to the bottom of the compartment. Spouts should be as vertical as possible. Secure or hold down the loading arm to maintain constant contact with the manway to assure a bond during loading. Start loading at slow speed until the bottom of the loading spout is submerged. Stay by the meters/emergency shutdown switch at all times during the loading process. Where provided, hold the dead man switch. Avoid inhaling vapors. Keep upwind of the manway. Do not lower head into compartment.
4. Remove the loading arm by lifting i up slowly in a vertical position, Close dome cover and proceed to the next tank truck compartment following the same procedures.

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