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API RP 1637:2006 pdf download

API RP 1637:2006 pdf download.Using the APl Color-Symbol System to Mark Equipment and Vehicles for Product ldentificationat Gasoline Dispensing Facilitiesand Distribution Terminals.
2.1 .1 The majority of colors used in this equipment marking color-symbol system remain unchanged from those found in the Second Edition (September 1995). The third edition reflects the industry’s changing needs as a result of the introduction of ultra low sulfur distillates. The previous version included additions to address handling and safety requirements for oxygenated and alcohol-based fuels and slop or waste oil. Additionally, monitoring or observation well identification (as established in API Recommended Practice 1615) is included here to complete the reference. Only easily distinguishable colors arc used: this system does not attempt to define color shades.
2.1.2 In the equipment marking color-symbol system, a circle outline represents a gasoline product, a hexagon outline represents a distillate-based product and an elongated pentagon represents an alcohol-blended product.
2.1.3 Superimposed crosses, bars and alpha-numeric designations for product names are used to further distinguish products.
2.1.4 Vapor-recovery connections and manholes are marked with orange circles. The gasoline symbol, the circle, is used because the principal environmental concern is with gasoline vapors.
Note: Used oil is identified by a purple square. White lettering may be used to supplement the marking systern.U.S. EPA’s Used Oil Management Standards (40 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 279) provide additional labeling requirements for used oil storage at generator. transfer, or processing and refining facililies.
2.1.5 Consistent with API Recommended Practice 1615, monitoring or observation wells are identified with a black equilateral triangle on a white background.
2.2.1 All gasoline is identified with a circular marking. The marking system does not attempt to classify all the gasoline manufactured by all the companies that operate refineries. At least five grades of unleaded gasoline are marketed under such names as super premium, premium. mid-regular, regular, and sub-regular. In addition, octane can vary by geographical location, season of the year, and refinery batch. The marking system provides for three grades of unleaded gasoline. The gasoline with the highest octane is marked red, the one with the lowest octane is marked white, and any intermediate grade is marked blue. This arrangement may present a problem in cases in which product is exchanged between two companies, where one company markets three grades of leaded gasoline and the other markets only two. In such cases, product names, octane ratings, or brand code numbers should be used to supplement the marking system. The white crosses on red and blue backgrounds and the black cross on the white background were originally added to identify unleaded gasoline.
2.2.2 Also critical in the transfer of bulk gasoline is the differentiation of neat gasoline from gasoline containing oxygenates. This is of particular concern where there are volatility limitations or restrictions regarding the use of such extenders or oxygenates. Most areas require the notation of such oxygenated gasoline in transfer or shipping documents. It is an option for the operator to use the appropriate gasoline symbol surrounded by a white circle to indicate gasoline containing extenders or oxygenates.
2.3.1 All distillates are identified with a hexagonal marking. For low sulfur distillate identification, diesel is yellow, No. I fuel oil is purple with a yellow horizontal stripe, No. 2 fuel oil is green, and kerosene is brown. Grades of diesel fuel and kerosene and grades of fuel oil beyond Nos. 1 and 2 are not identified. Individual companies may want to use other means of identification to label these products (see 1.2.2).
2.3.2 A blue horizontal stripe is added to the low-sulfur distillate color-code symbols identified in 2.3.1 to identify high-sulfur distillates.
tEnvironmental Protection Aencv. U.S. Government Priniin Office. Washimton. D.C.

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