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API RP 19B:2006 pdf download

API RP 19B:2006 pdf download.Recommended Practices for Evaluation of Well Perforators.
Data shall be reported on all shots fired or attempted. Data shall be reported in the same order that it was shot ballistically, with #1 being the first charge shot. Sec Figure 2 for an example data sheet. Any data sheet used must include a similarly positioned watermark indicating that the test is not registered with the APi. Comments regarding other gun system configurations should not be md tided
Well environments may require that special tests he conducted to better simulate down hole conditions. Some conditions require special casing. In some cases even dual string casing, is placed over a producible zone. In other situations gas environments may require the use of special gun systems. Operators must be able to evaluate perforating systems under these conditions with special tests.
This section provides a means to shoot and publish a witnessed test in a Special API RP 19B Section 1 Target. with any or all of the following exceptions.
1. Special casing may be used.
2. Dual string casing may be used.
3. The gun may he shot with air instead of water in the gun to casing annulus.
All other API RP I 9B Section 1 requirements must he met. All exceptions must he listed in the remarks section of the appropriate
data sheet (see Figure 2 or 3).
Casing annulus material should be RP I 9B cement unless otherwise specified by the customer.
Single string tests must be reported on the Special Test form provided by API. See Figure 2.
Dual string test must be reported on the Special Dual String Test form also provided by API. See Figure 3.
2 Evaluation of Perforators Under Stress Conditions, Berea Targets
This section is intended to provide a test procedure to be followed for measuring perforator performance in stressed Berea sandstone with weilbore pressure applied.
Tests will be conducted using Berea sandstone targets mounted as shown in Figure 4. Berea sandstone target material shall have a bulk porosity of not less than 19% nor more than 21 %
2.3.1 Size
For charges 15 grams or less, a 4-inch (±3%) diameter core will he cut from a large block of Berea sandstone. For charges exceeding 15 grams, a 7-inch (±3%) diameter core will he cut from a large block of Berea sandstone. Depending on the expected perforation depth, the total length of the core shall approximate 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, or 27 inches, measured to within ±0.25-inch. The test will he considered valid if at least 3 inches of unpenetrated core remains.
2.3.2 Cutting
The core may be lathe turned or cut with a core barrel.
2.3.3 Drying
The cut and sized core shall he dried at least 24 hours, or to constant weight in a ventilated oven maintained at 200°F, hut not above 210°F.
2.3.4 Evacuation
The core shall he evacuated in an airtight chamber provided with a suitably sized evacuation port and pump. There shall also he provided a means of admitting the saturating liquid slowly to the bottom of the chamber in order that the core can he covered with the liquid from the bottom to its top while under vacuum. The core shall he evacuated to a pressure of 1 millimeters of mercury or less for a minimum of 6 hours before admitting the saturating fluid. The saturating fluid shall not he admitted at a rate faster than the capillary rise of the fluid in the core.
2.3.5 Saturation
The saturating liquid shall he 3% (by weight) sodium chloride brine (specific gravity to he measured at ambient temperature to the nearest thousandth) prepared from sodium chloride and distilled or deionized water. The 3% brine solution shall he evacuated under medium to low vacuum (50 mm Hg pressure) for 30 minutes before use in order to remove dissolved gases, hut not enough to increase the salt concentration appreciably. After the core is flooded in the evacuation chamber, vacuum (60 mm Hg pressure or lower) is to he maintained for 2 hours, after which the pressure is to be slowly increased to atmospheric pressure. The restored- state core should he kept stored under the 3% brine until porosity determinations are made. Kerosene may he substituted for the 3% sodium chloride brine.
2.3.6 Porosity Determination
After saturation, the core shall he wiped lightly to remove free brine from the surface and weighed immediately. The porosity shall he calculated by the following formula:
= (V,Vj,) (1(X)) (2—1)
The pore volume, V, shall be calculated by dividing the difference in weight in the saturated and dry states by the density of the 3% brine. The bulk volume, Vb, shall be calculated from physical measurements of each individual core. The weight shall be determined at room temperature on scales with a precision of 1 gram for loads of I ,000 grams or more.
2.3.7 Core Storage
Cores shall be stored in the 3% brine during the interval between obtaining the core characteristics and shooting operations.
2.4.1 Rubber Sleeve
For charges 15 grams or less, the sleeve shall have an internal diameter of 4 inches and a wall thickness of 0.25 inch. For charges larger than 15 grams, the sleeve shall have an internal diameter of 7 inches and a wall thickness of 0.25 inch.
2.4.2 Target End Fixtures
The shooting end fixture shall contain a mild steel faceplate 0.38 inch thick cut from ASTM A 36 grade steel and a 0.75 inch thick Hydrostone®2 spacer. The 0.75 inch Hydrostone® spacer may be poured in place or prepared separately at the discretion of the tester. Hydrostone® must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Refer to Figure 5 for details of the shooting end fixture and Figure 6 for details of the vent end fixture.
2.4.3 Vent Tube
The vent tube shall be a nominal 1-inch outside diameter NPT steel tube with a minimum inside diameter of 0.25 inch.

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