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API RP 51:2001 pdf download

API RP 51:2001 pdf download.Onshore Oil and Gas Production Practices for Protection of the Environment.
5.3.5 The operator should hold a pre-construction meeting with the contractor(s) to establish environmental and safety responsibilities along with desired objectives of the project.
5.3.6 Field inspections and lab analysis of soil samples may he used to assess soil erosion hazards and slope stability. Properties of soils, length and gradient of slopes, and vegetative cover contribute to soil stability. Fitting the profile to topography, locating roads on moderate slopes, providing adequate drainage, and stabilizing slopes decreases surtlice disturbance and reduces erosion and sedimentation.
5.3.7 Means and methods for erosion control are numerous and often site specific. Revegetation with local species, riprap, gabions, woven jute, and energy dissipaters are effective measures that may be used to reduce erosion.
5.3.8 The use of geotextiles and geosynthetics should he considered in road planning and construction. These materials offer a variety of applications, aid in stabilizing the road, and minimize the utilization of road bed and surface materials.
5.3.9 An adequate drainage system should be incorporated into the design and construction of the road. This system should efficiently intercept, collect, remove, and discharge water from roads. A drainage system that is inadequate or blocked will result in excessive erosion, failures, and higher maintenance costs.
5.3.10 The number of river, stream (including ephemeral streams), lake, and wetland crossings should he minimized, where possible. Bridges. culverts, and other drainage structures should be incorporated to ensure the free flow of water when drainage ways are intersected. Different flood stages should be considered for the design and construction of the crossings.
5.3.11 The use of snow fences should be considered in areas with snow drifting characteristics. Minimization of snow build up will reduce the use of deicers on the roadway and will also reduce the problems associated with the disposal of the bladed snow/salt mix during maintenance operations.
5.3.12 Clearing widths should he kept to a minimum. These limits should he delineated and marked in the field.
5.3.13 Where practical, topsoil should he salvaged and stockpiled in a safe and accessible location and he protected from erosion. The stockpiled material should he utilized for revegetation and reclamation purposes.
5.3.14 Revegetation should be done with local plants, seeds, and grasses species. Means and methods will he dependent upon seasonal considerations, the specific project area, and government agency requirements.
5.3.15 Areas of excavation should he approved prior to the start of construction. Pit layout and restoration should he planned prior to opening of the pit.
5.3.16 Environmental impacts during coarse/fine borrow material extraction should he minimized. The following should he considered:
a. Use of recycled road surface material from abandoned roads and locations.
h. Use of existing mineral material sites.
c. Developing upland sites to maximize potential for revegetation and minimize adverse visual impact and possible erosion.
d. Maintaining a buffer of undisturbed vegetation between borrow pits and highways or other sites.
5.4.1 Warning signs should he provided to comply with local requirements. The signs may include road crossings. animal crossings, speed limit, road hazards, pipelines, etc.
5.4.2 Existing pipelines and other subsurface facilities should he identified prior to construction. These facilities should be protected to prevent accidental damage during the construction and operation of the road.
5.4.3 Measures should he taken to ensure proper and adequate procedures for waste disposal. general housekeeping. An effective emergency response plan should be in place prior to initiating construction. The plan may simply he a listing of telephone numbers to call should a utility or product line he damaged. Many times, the existing emergency response plan for the field area may be adequate. Construction personnel should he familiar with these plans.
5.4.4 Construction activities should he carried out as described in the construction documents, including plans and specifications.

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