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API RP 591:2008 pdf download

API RP 591:2008 pdf download.Process Valve Qualification Procedure.
C) approved supplier let;
d) most recent supplier evaluation record;
e) inspection and test plan for purchased pressure containing components;
I) confirmation of sub-supplier quality management system following the principals of ISO 9001:
g) documents and records relating to specAal processes such as those used in welding, heat treatment, and nondestructive examination;
h) final product examination and testing documents;
i) test equipment list and
j) traceability procedures of pressure containing components:
1) certified mill test reports (CMTRs),
2) certificates of compliance (CoCS).
5.3 Right of Access
The manufacturers procurement documents shall require their suppliers to provide access to their plant facilities and records for inspection or audit by the manufacturer, hislher designated representative, or other parties authorized by the manufadurer
5.4 Document Control
Documents supplied dunng valve qualification shall be controlled documents.
6 Valve Qualification
6.1 Data to be Provided by Manufacturer
6.1.1 General assembly drawings of one valve size of each design for each pressure class shall be available to the test facility These drawings shall show all applicable construction details: including stem-to-wedge, disk, ball, or plug connection: guides: bearings; stem seals; body joint, body joint gasket, seat(s) and seal(s). They shall also include descriptions of the construction materials for all of the parts. induding fasteners. The manufacturer shall also identify the trim and sealing materials used
6.1.2 If welding, induding casting repair, was used in the manufacture of the valves being evaluated, the applicable qualification and procedure documents shall, upon request, be avadable for evaluation.
6.1.3 The manufacturer shall make available a tabulation of the foundries and forges from which castings or forgings used for bodies, bonnets, covers, and closure elements (eg. wedges, csks or balls) were obtained and the manufacturing facilities from which completed valves were obtained. The table shall include any special marking or coding used by the manufacturer to trace, distinguish and identify component parts from different sources. induding each manufacturing location and address,
6.1.4 The manufacturer shall provide the recommended closure torques or rim-pull handle forces required to adequately seat the valve for all sizes of valves being evaluated.
6.3.3 Casting and forgrng materials quahfication of shell components, in accordance with Annex A, shall be segregated into 3 categories: carbon steel, low chrome alloys (1114 to 9) and stainless steels. Qualification of low chrome alloys (1 1/4 to 9) havIng the highest percentage of chrome content will qualify lower percent cfrome materials,
6.4 Required Examination and Testing
6.4.1 Afi of the pressure tests specified in API 598, including the optional high or low pressure closure tests, shall be made on each valve, The double block and bleed test Is required for valves identified by the manufacturer as being double block and bleed capable. Seating surfaces shall be dry or coated only with very light oil no heavier than kerosene For seat tests, valves shall be tightened, if applicable, to the dosure torque recommended by the manufacturer.
The torque is to be applied by a calibrated torque wrench either directly or through a gear operator to the center of the stem/shaft, If the torque recommended by the manufacturer should prove to be inadequate, the torque may be increased incrementally, to a maximum of 1.25 times the recommended value, until the seat leakage is within allowable limits. The required dosure torques shall be measured and reported During seat tests, external forces that affect seat leakage shall not be applied to the valve ends.
Prior to the start of the qualification testing, each valve shall be operahonally tested (stroked ui open and dosed) with the stem in the horizontal position (flow m the horizontal direction) to confirm that the closure element does not hang up.
6.4.2 The blowing dimensions and finishes shall be measured on each valve, as applicable, and compared with those specified in the applicable standards, and the manufacturers requirements:
a) face-to-face dimension (ASME B161O);
b) flange dimensions (ASME B16.5), induding orientation of bolt holes:
c) butt-welding end dimensions (ASME B16.25);
d) center to top (closed and open position);
e) hand wheel diameter or lever length;
f) facing finish, including number of grooves per in.. of raised-face end flanges (ASME B16.5) and bonnet-joint flanges:
9) type of bolting threads (ASME Bi .1 and B18.2.2);
h) body and bonnet thickness:
I) stem diameter at the extremities and midpoint of the packing contact area, stem surface finish over the packing contact area, and stern thread pitch (on gate and globe valves), lead major diameter and minor diameter:
j) wedge-wear travel for gate valves;
k) stem projection (where applicable):
l) number and size of bonnet or cover bolts;
m)stuffing box dimensions and surface finish, and gland follower dimensions;
n) socket-weld ends and threaded ends (ASME B16.11).

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