API SPEC 12B:2008 pdf download
API SPEC 12B:2008 pdf download.Specification for Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids.
API 2000. The pressure setting should be from to 1 ozlin.2 less than the opening pressure of devices used for emergency venting. Annex B Is provided as a guide to aid in the selection of venting devices, where required.
5.2 Emergency Venting
When storage tanks containing flammable liquids are exposed to fire, the venting rate may be in excess of that resulting from a combination of normal thermal effects and oil movement. Unless tanks are installed in remote locations, the purchaser shall provide, or cause to be provided, pressure relieving devices which will provide capacity in addition to normal venting to meet the requirements tabulated in Table Ci. The opening pressure of such devices shall not exceed the design pressure of the tank on which they are installed. The maximum internal pressure under relieving conditions should not exceed that tabulated in Column 6 of Table C. 1. Pressure relieving devices may take the from of larger or additional vent valves, larger or additional thief hatches or deck dome covers (see Figure 5) installed with loose fitting long bolts and suitable gasket so that the dome cover will lift at the required pressure.
NOTE With &ainage as used in Table C.1, Column 5. means that flammable or combustible liquids will not be retained near the tart by dykes or firewalts
6 Erection and Clean Up
Tank staves shall be erected with the male side on the left when facing the outside surface of the stave (see Flgixe 4).
NOTE The dimensions as specdied herein era based on the assumpbon that most of the slack, due to the difference in bolt and bolt-hole diameters, will be taken up in all stave points by slippage when the tank is initially tilled The bottom and deck bolt-circle diameters provide for such spege AR the time of erection, seine prirwng ci the vertical stave ,olnts will be required to bring the bolt holes into alignment.
Upon completion of erection, the erector shal remove or dispose of all rubbish and other unsightly material caused by erecting operations and shall leave the premises in as good condition, as found.
7 Marking
Tanks manufactured in conformance with this speofication shall be identified by a nameplate bearing, as a minimum, the information shown in Figure 12.
Nameplates shall be made of a corrosion-resistant material and Installed on the cleanout stave approximately 8 in. above the top of the cleanout cover or frame. InstalLation of the nameplate may be on a boss seal welded to the stave (prior to galvanizing if applicable) or by any other suitable means to identify the product for the expected service life & the tank
Nameplates may be attached at the point of manufacture or, at the option of the manufacturer, at the time of field erection.
8 Inspection and Rejection
8.1 Inspection Notice
Where the inspector representing the purchaser deswes to inspect this niatenal. reasonable notice shall be given ol the time at which the run is to be made.
8.2 Inspection by Purchaser
The Inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer’s works which will concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector, without charge, all reasonable facilities to satisfy him! her that the material Is being manufactured In accordance with this specification. All Inspections should be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified on the purchase ordec and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the operation of the works.
8.3 Rejection
Material which shows iniurious defects on mill wispection or subsequent to acceptance at manufacturer’s works, or which proves defective when properly applied in service, may be rejected, and the manufacturer so notifled If tests that require the destruction of material are made at other than the place of manufacture, the purchaser shall pay for material complying with all of the provisions of this specification, but shall not pay for any material which fails to meet the specification.