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API St 613:2003 pdf download

API St 613:2003 pdf download.Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas lndustry Services.
1.5.38 witnessed: An inspection or test where the purchaser is notified of the timing of the inspection or test and a hold is placed on the inspection or test until the purchaser or his representative are in attendance.
1.6.1 Referenced publications are listed in Appendix B.
1.6.2 The purchaser and the vendor shall mutually determine the measures that must be taken to comply with any governmental codes, regulations, ordinances, or rules that are applicable to the equipment.
1 .6.3 The vendor who has unit responsibility shall assure that all subvendors comply with the requirements of this standard and all reference standards.
1.6.4 All referenced standards, to the extent specified in the text, are normative.
1.6.5 Notes following a paragraph are informative.
The purchaser shall specify whether the equipment supplied to this standard shall comply with the applicable ISO standards or applicable U.S. standards.
The purchaser shall specify whether data, drawings, gear unit name plate, hardware (including fasteners) and equipment supplied to this standard shall use the SI or U.S. customary or both systems of units.
2 Basic Design
2.1.1 Gear units purchased according to this standard shall conform to AGMA 6011 and to related AGMA standards referenced therein, except as modified or supplemented by this standard.
2.1.2 The equipment (including auxiliaries) covered by this standard shall be designed and constructed for a minimum service life of 20 years and at least 5 years of uninterrupted operation.
Note: It is recognized that this is a design criterion.
2.1.3 The vendor shall assume unit responsibility for the engineering coordination of the equipment and all auxiliary systems included in the scope of the order.
• 2.1.4 The purchaser shall specify the equipment’s normal operating point.
. 2.1.5 The purchaser shall indicate if the input or output speed is specified (that is, must he exactly adhered to by the vendor) and which is nominal (that is, permits some variation). An S shall be used to indicate the specified speed, and an N shall be used to indicate the nominal speed. The purchaser shall also indicate on the data sheets the allowable percentage of variation in the designated gear ratio.
Note: In selecting the number of teeth for the pinion and gear wheel, it is often impracticable for the vendor to match exactly both the rated input and the rated output speed designated on the data sheets.
. 2.1.6 Control of the sound pressure level (SPL) of all equipment furnished shall be a joint effort of the purchaser and the vendor having unit responsibility. The equipment furnished by the vendor shall conform to the maximum allowable sound pressure level specified. In order to determine compliance, the vendor shall provide both maximum sound pressure and sound power level data per octave band for the equipment.
2.1.7 Equipment shall be designed to run safely to the trip speed setting indicated in Table 1. Unless otherwise specified. rotors for turbine-driven gear units shall he designed to operate safely at momentary speeds up to 130% of the rated speed.
2.1.8 Equipment driven by induction motors shall he rated at the actual motor speed for the rated condition.
2.1.9 The arrangement of the equipment, including piping and auxiliaries, shall be developed jointly by the purchaser and the vendor. The arrangement shall provide adequate clearance areas and safe access for operation and maintenance.
. 2.1 .1 0 Motor, electrical components, and electrical installations shall be suitable for the area classification (class, group and div ISIOfl or zone) specified by the purchaser and shall meet the requirements of the applicable sections of IEC 60079-0 (NFPA 70, Articles 500, 501, 502, and 504) as well as local codes specified and furnished on request by the purchaser.
Note: Refer to Appendix B table of standards for a listing of typical electric codes.
2.1.11 Oil reservoirs and housings that enclose moving lubricated parts such as hearings, shaft seals, highly polished parts, instruments.

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