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API TR 2568:2007 pdf download

API TR 2568:2007 pdf download.Evaporative Loss from the Cleaning of Storage Tanks.
*The initial vapor space purge occurs at the end of the standing idle period that immediately follows normal pumpout. Saturation factors for subsequent vapor space purges (i.e., those that follow overnight periods of standing idle, for which emissions are not calculated) are discussed in Section 6.
6.1 Overview of Methodology
The calculation of vapor space purge emissions accounted for the vapors that were expelled by the first air change of the vapor space upon commencing forced ventilation at the end of a standing idle period. There still may be volatile materials remaining in the tank, however, that will continue to evaporate and generate vapors. These additional vapors are accounted for as the sludge removal emissions, and they are expelled by continued forced ventilation, subsequent to the vapor space purge (i.e., after the first air change of the vapor space).
The volatility of the remaining materials, however, may be much less than the volatility of the previously stored stock liquid. An appropriate judgment should be made in assigning properties to the sludge. For example, it may be appropriate, when characterizing the properties of sludge in a gasoline tank, to apply the properties of a less volatile stock — such as diesel fuel.
Three methods were considered for estimating sludge removal emissions, and each may be applied to either fixed-roof or floating-roof tanks. The rationale for selecting the vapor concentration method described in this section is given in Appendix A, where the other methods are discussed and compared to the vapor concentration method.
The vapor concentration method estimates sludge removal emissions from the average vapor concentration in the vapor space (usually reported as a percent of the lower explosive limit, or %LEL), the ventilation rate, and the length of time required for sludge removal. These parameters are often known since they are monitored for safety reasons.
To determine the vapor concentration, the LEL of the calibration gas is multiplied by the reading from the LEL monitor. afier each has been divided by 100 to convert from a percent to a decimal fraction. This gives a volume concentration (mole fraction) in terms of the calibration gas. This concentration is corrected by a response factor (RF) to account for the difference in the sensitivity of the LEL monitor to the actual vapors as compared to its sensitivity to the calibration gas. When the response factor is unknown, use a value of one (RF 1.0), See Appendix B for a discussion of[,EL monitors and response factors.
If the vapor concentration is very low, it may be below the minimum detection level of the LEL monitor, in this case, it is conservative to use the monitor’s minimum detection level as the %LEL for determining the vapor concentration.
The mass of vapors that escape the tank during sludge removal is the product of the average density of the hydrocarbon vapors, the average ventilation rate, and the length of time over which the sludge is removed. The vapor concentration and ventilation rate may vary during sludge removal (for example, fans may not be operated continuously at a constant rate), but using the average concentration and ventilation rate accounts for this.
When sludge removal activities are intermittently interrupted and forced ventilation is discontinued, such as during the overnight period, then the tank cleaning process will involve a daily cycle that includes a period of standing idle (overnight) followed by a vapor space purge (when forced ventilation resumes the next morning). In such cases, the initial standing idle and vapor space purge emissions are estimated as shown in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Emissions from subsequent standing idle periods, for which the standing idle time is limited to an overnight cessation of operations during sludge removal, are accounted for in the estimate of the next morning’s vapor space purge.
In that the overnight standing idle emissions are taken as zero, there is no accounting tbr wind-driven losses of vapor from under external floating roofs. These vapors must then be accounted for with the following morning’s vapor space purge. That is, the neglect of wind driven emissions during the overnight period means that the vapors must be considered to still be present when estimating the next morning’s vapor space purge, and thus there must he no factoring down of the saturation level for the case of external floating-roof tanks. in other words, C,1 should be taken as 1.0 for vapor space purges during the daily tank cleaning cycle, with the result that the saturation level for external floating-roof tanks shall be taken as equal to the saturation level for internal floating-roof tanks.

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