ASME B107.17-2020 pdf download
ASME B107.17-2020 pdf download.Gages and Mandrels for Wrench Openings.
The gages shall be used in accor(laIlce with accepted practices. Manufacturers may use gages with tighter dimensions than those shown herein.
The size for all limits (GO and NO GO) gages shall not exceed the extreme limits specified herein. All variations (manufacturing tolerance, calibration error, wear allowance, etc.) in the gages, whatever their cause or purpose, shall bring these gages within the extreme limits of the gage size specified within this Standard. Thus a gage that represents a minimum limit may 1w larger, but never smaller, than the minimum size specified; likevise. the gage that represents a maximum limit may be smaller, but never larger, than the maximum size specified.
4.2.1 Rounding Method. A rounding method shall be used for determining dimensions for gages. When the next digit beyond the last digit to be retained is
(ci) less than 5, the last digit to be retained is not changed
(b) 5 or more, the last digit to be retained is increased by one
4.3 MandreLs Use and Design
4.3.1 Mandrets for Nut End Socket Openings. The hexagon mandrels shall be of the size and tolerances given in Tables 4.3.1-1 and 4.3.1-1 M. The square mandrels shall be of the size and tolerance given in Table 4.3.1-2. The mandrel shall be inserted into the nut end socket opening to the depth indicated in the applicable table.
4.3.2 Mandrets for Wrench Openings. The hexagon mandrels shall be of the size and tolerances given in Tables 4.3.1-1, 4.3.1-1M, and 4.3.1-2. The mandrel shall be fully engaged to the thickness of the wrench head.