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ASME B30.19-2000 pdf download

ASME B30.19-2000 pdf download.CABLENAYS.
load ratings:working load rating in pounds (kilo-grams) or tons cstablished by thhe designer.
looael,workirng:ihe extemal load applied to the ca-bleway lower load block, including the weight of loadattaching equipment such as shackles,slings.ctc.luffing: the tilting of the cableway towers to achievenoveneni of thve load block transverse to the ccntcrline of the cableway.
lsuffing hoist: the hoist drum and rope recving systemuscd for luffing a cablcway towcr (mast) (scc Fig. 8).ncarrefacturer:a firm that produces fabricated or asscmblcd scgments of the cablcway.The segments include, but are not limited to,towers,ropes,track cable,trolley, hoists.and load blocks.
mtessenger line:an auxiliary rope suspended betweenthe towers of the cableway to intermittently supportelectric power cables or other cables. The messengerline is normally at the very top of the towers, aboveand clear of the button line.
perating rones: wire ropes attached to a hoist forthe purpose of pulling or lifting.
overhaui: the action of puiling on a rope or ser offalls to remove slack and unwind the rope from thehoist drum.
pitc-h eiameier: iie dianneicr of a sheave or rope drumlneasuredal he cenler line of the rope.
qacalified person:a pcrson who, by posscssion of arccognizcd dcgrce in an applicable field, or certificate ofprofcssiona! standing, or who,by extensive knowledge.training,and experience,has successfully demonstratedthe ability to solve or resalve problems relating to thesubject matter and work.
rope: refers to wire rope unless othcrwise specified.rotation-resistanr rope:a wire rope consisting of alayer of strand laid in one direction covered by a layerof strand laid in the opposite direction. This has theeffect of counteracting lorque and reducing the tendencyof the finished rope to rotate.
shalt: indicates that the rule is mandatory and mustbe followed.
should: indicates that the rule is a recoImnnendation,the advisabiiity of which depends on the facis in eacisituation.
sack casvier.a device that travels on thc track cablcto support the opcrating ropes when they are slack.
(c) The design of cableways is unique in that eachnew installation of the cableway usually will vary thelnad ratings and component stresses due to the geometricvariations of span length and guy angles required forils use Therefore , each installation shall be redesignedin detail by a qualhed person. Load rating shall beestablished after an analysis of componenr stresses,anchorage loads.and foundation loads. For this volume,B30.19. the designer (original) will be that qualifedperson who originaiiy designs the cableway for itsoriginal installation, and the designer (other than origi-nal) will be that qualified person who adapts the
cableway to a differenl geonetric pattern and establishesthe load rating.
19-1.2.2 Structures
(ay Towers and lower bases shall be constructed toallow movement within the limitalious imposed by thedcsigncr’s ratings and operations.
ib)Tower (mast) structures, fixed, liuffed, or moving.and whcthcr guyed or counterweighted, shall have astability about the critical tipping point of the base atleast 50% grcater than thc maximum tipping momentwhich could occur when thc cablcway is opcratedwithin any range of the manufacturer’s ‘specifed loadratings.
fc) When opcrating ropes sag to a point whcre theyconstitute an interference or present a contact hazardto personnel. equipment,or other structures,a sufficientnumber of slack carriers shall be provided to eliminatethe interference or hazard. Slack carriers should beused on cableway spans.
i) Cotters or other type keepers shall be uscd onpins or bolts which provide a rotating or swivelingaction within an assembly.
19-1.2.3 Foundations
l a ) Foundation design loadings shall be provided bythe cableway designcr.
(b) The loads shall include, but not necessarily belimited to. the maximum total dead load plus live loadreactions that will be created on all foundations underany load or combination of loads that may occur as a result of the designer’s ratings. These foundation loadings shail inciude buth ventical and livrizonal reactions from the lowers, wire 10pe anchorages, and loists.

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