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ASME B89.4.10-2021 pdf download

ASME B89.4.10-2021 pdf download.Methods for Performance Evaluation of Coordinate Measuring System Software.
5.3 Test Procedure
5.3.1 Software Performance EvaLuation. CMS software performance evaluation shall include the following steps:
(a) Obtain/generate test data with the testing system.
(b) Process data with software under test.
(c) Collect the outputs of the software under test and reparameterize.
(d) Evaluate the fit results produced by the software under test with the testing system.
5.3.2 EvaLuation of Fit ResuLts The following is a generic method for the evaluation of fit results:
(a) The substitute feature is bounded by the sample point set.
(b) A set of parameters for the reference feature is provided.
(c) Evaluation parameters are computed for each pair of test and reference features.
(d) Summary statistics for the evaluation parameters are computed.
5.4 Input Parameters
All input parameters shall appear on the test report.
5.4.1 Units. The unit of length shall be agreed upon before the test. The unit of angular measure shall be decimal degrees. All input data and test results shall be reported in the agreed upon units.
5.4.2 Maximum and Minimum Size. The maximum size Lmax and minimum size Lmin define the range of feature sizes for test data set generation. The ratio Lina,JLmjn shall be no greater than Greater ranges can be accounted for using more than one test, each satisfying this range requirement.
5.4.3 Farthest Position. The farthest distance from the origin that a feature can be placed shall be specified and indicated in the test report. This distance shall be at least 2Lniax.
5.4.4 Types of Features. The input parameters will define the types of feati.ires to be evaluated from the set of features supported by this Standard. Only features supported by the CMS may be evaluated.
5.4.5 Maximum Number of SampLe Points. The maximum number of sample points used for test generation shall be agreed upon before the test and shall be indicated on the test report.
(21) 5.4.6 Test Data Precision. The number of digits to which the test data are generated shall be agreed upon before the test but shall beat least as numerically precise as 105L,1. This does not and should not restrict the number of digits to which fits are computed. For the purposes of software testing, the input data should be thought of as exact, having infinite trailing zeros.
(21) 5.4.7 Seed VaLues. CMS software may require seed values. These values are typically defined by the first few sample points, i.e., a cone seed may require three points for a smaller circle followed by three points for a larger circle. If the test data are constructed to provide such seed values, it shall be noted on the test report for each feature type. Any similar requirements of the software under test that are identified in the software documentation as required for its usage and are provided during the test shall also be noted in the test report. If the software requires the point ordering to not be randomized (as explained in para., this shall also be identified in the test report.
5.4.8 The DefauLt Test. The default test is defined by the following default input parameters: units in millimeters; Lmjn = 1, Lmax = 500, farthest position = 1 000, maximum number of sampled points = 500. The test data sets shall be generated to a precision of 10.
5.5 Generation of Test Data
For each feature type, 30 data sets shall be generated via computer simulation satisfying the following requirements for size, position, orientation, number of sampled points, sampling plans, and form errors.
(21) 5.5.1 Sizes. The sizes of features shall be bounded by L1111, and Lmax. The 30 sizes shall be determined within three size categories as follows: Generate ten random numbers in each range of (0, 1/3), (1/3, 2/3), and (2/3, 1). For each random number x, define the size of the feature as LnXLaX. The size parameters for the feature types are defined as follows:

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