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ASME RAM-1-2013 pdf download

ASME RAM-1-2013 pdf download.Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability of Equipment and Systems in Power Plants.
(2) environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations
(3) safety standards
(4) agreements and contractual requirements
(5) equipment and operational codes as specified by jurisdictional agencies or insurance providers
(6) objectives as stated in the design basis
(b) The program should consider and address the following:
(1) identify physical plant systems, boundaries, equipment, and structures
(2) determine criticality definitions (classification bins for risk)
(3) establish criticality methodology
(4) classify equipment criticality
(5) assess risk to plant performance through failure analysis by
(-a) failure modes, mechanisms, and causes
(-b) failure probability
(-c) failure consequence
(6) identify methods that mitigate failure causes
(7) review technology that, when implemented, will mitigate risk of failure for critical equipment
(8) review monitoring and alarms required to determine plant performance deterioration or alert operators of incipient failure so as to mitigate plant performance risk identified above
(9) review testing that may be used to determine the critical equipment status and suitability for continued operation
(10) review inspection practices or overhauls that are required to periodically assure that the plant will achieve the objectives and goals set forth
(Ii) review maintenance practices that are required to mitigate plant performance risk as identified above
(12) evaluate the cost effectiveness of the proposed options
(13) evaluate methods for implementation
(14) evaluate methods for program modification
(15) fulfill goals as stated in the BOD
6.2.5 Program Manual. A program manual shall be developed to integrate guidance and operations requirements to achieve the objectives and goals set forth in the BOD. The program manual is a controlled document that addresses operations, maintenance, and costs, and shall include the following:
(a) Program Statement, consisting of scope, definitions, and objectives and goals
(b) Program Organization and Responsibilities
(c) plant BOD, consisting of functional and performance requirements, system descriptions, and exclusions and limitations
(d) criticality methodology to determine criticality definitions (categories) and establish criticality (riskassessment) methodology
availability: a measure of the degree to which an item is in an operable state and can be committed at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at an unknown (random) point in time; or the ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions, at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided. Availability is measured by the user and is a function of how often failures occur and corrective maintenance is required, how often preventive maintenance is performed, how quickly indicated failures can be isolated and repaired, how quickly preventive maintenance tasks can be performed, and how long logistics support delays contribute to downtime.
basis of design (BOD): the underlying assumptions and requirements that support the physical plant design.
boundaries: define where each system begins and ends; interfaces. For a typical plant, the boundary will include physical, mechanical, and electrical isolation physical points, e.g., isolation valves or piping locations, heat exchanger tube bundle interfaces, electrical breaker, or switch or termination points. This Standard requires system boundaries to be defined.
condition assessments (predictive activities): used to assess conditions for determining the need to perform applicable maintenance.
condition monitoring: used to trend degrading conditions of a structure, system, or component that are not readily revealed by unavailability, reliability, and plant-level indicators for which advance awareness of degradation is needed. Some types of condition monitoring are vibration characteristics, temperature, acoustics, and electrical parameters, which should he included at a minimum to provide awareness of owner-defined conditions.
corrective action: assignment to take action after a structure, system, or component has failed to function and to restore it to an acceptable condition.

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