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BS 5852:2006 pdf download

BS 5852:2006 pdf download.Methods of test for assessment of the ignitability of upholstered seating by smouldering and flaming ignition sources.
4.2 Flaming ignition
4.2.1 Upholstery composites
For low purposes of testing the ignilability of upholstery composites (sec CLause 11), all the following types of behaviour shall be deemed to be flaming ignu ion:
a) any test specimen that displays escalating flaming combustion behaviour so that It Is unsafe to continue the test and forcible extinction is required;
b) any test specimen that burns until it is essentially consumed within the test duration;
C) any test specimen on which any flame front reaches the extremities of the specimen other than the Lop of the vertical part of the test specimen, or passes through the full thickness of the specimen within the duration of the test (hut see Note I);
d) for flaming Ignition sources 2 and 3: any lest specimen that continues to flame for more than 120 a after removal of the burner tube or iii which the flame front spreads past a vertical line 100 mm from the tip of the burner tube;
e) for flanung ignition sources 4 and 5: any Lest specimen that continues to flame for more than 10 mm after ignition of the crib;
1) for flaming ignition Sources 6 and 7: any test specimen that continues to flame for inure than 13 miii after ignition of the crib;
NOTE 2 The Ilnies qwed hi items e) amiD are essentially 2 mis i,araterlhas the uppe.-95* p,thahIee.rti,wiiaa times of wondea criha deiprmjnt’d by intp,iabo,yztory tes?isg.
g) fur all sources: any test specimen from which flaming debris causes an isolated floor lire that continues to flame for longer than the time given in d), e) or I).
4.2.2 Complete Itenis of furniture
For the purposes of testing the ignitabihty of complete Items of furniture (see CLause 12). all 11w following types of behaviour shall Lw deemed to be progressive sniouldering ignition:
a) those given In 4.2.1 items a). b), d), e), F) and g), but including source I for item 4.2.ld);
b) any lest specimen on which any flame front rciwhes the extremities of the specimen other than the top of the vertical part of the test specimen, within the duration of the test;
c) for source 0 (cigarette): the occurrence of any visible flaming within 60 miii of placement of the cigarette.
9.3 Crib, ignition sources 4, 5, 6 and 7
9.3.1 Materials
The cribs shall be con.stnivted from (hr following materials:
a) dry softwood Pinus silveslris (Scols pine) that has been stored In warm dry condition.s for a niininuiin of I week;
b) IWU giwle absorbent surgical lint, approximately 20() g/m, (-Ill Into nominal squares 40 mm x 40 nun (each square having a ma of approximately 0.3 g);
c) polyvinyl acetate (PVA) or other suitable wood adhesive for gluing together the sticks and lint.
9.3.2 Assembly
The crib parameters shall coofoim to Table 2 and Table 3.
The cons*nwti(rn of the cribs shall be as shown in Figure 6, Figure 7,
FIgure 8 and FIgure 9 for sources 4 to 7 respectIvely. NOTE Swjgesied m’thosLi of roast rw’ti.m an is Annex 1). The required number and sizes of sticks, eon(bUoned in accordance with 10.1.2. shall be selected to provide the required total mass and shall be assembled into cribs with the square of lint incorporated, fluffy side uppennost when the crib Is standing on Its base. The sticks In each layer shall he parallel to one anotiwr and mat right angles to the sticks in the adjacent layer. The sticks In cacti layer shall be placed as far away from cacti other as possible (except for the two main crib sticks forming the base of crib 6), bLat without undue overhang at their ends, to form a square-sectioned crib. The sticks shall be glued together and the Lint secured with small amounts of the adhesive.

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