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BS 8599-1:2019 pdf download

BS 8599-1:2019 pdf download.Workplace first aid kitsPart 1: Specification for the contents of workplace first aid kits.
This part of BS 8599 spccilies requirements for the compilation of first aid components in first aid kits for use In a workplace environment. Requirements are also given for the container holding the components.
NOTE 1 An,irs A glues recommendations on the quanWJes and sizes of ffrst aid kits necessary for different workplace environments based on the catego.y 01 rIsk and the number of employees at the workplace
NOTEZ Am ayes quidancr for employers on quantities of suppiemrnrary fir old kit.
NOTE 3 For the avoidance of doubt. this standard dacs not supersede 858599-2 for vehicle first aid klt employers should refer to 85852,Z when equipping vehicles with first aid kits.
2 Normative references
The following relerenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
US EN 455.1. Mecli cal gloves for single use — Port 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from holes US EN 455.2. Medical gloves for single use — Port 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties IS EN ISO 7010:201 2+A7:201 7, Groplsscal symbols — Safety colours and safely signs — Registered solely signs
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of its iI9, the following terms arid definitions apply
3.1 critical injury pack
pack designed for environments where a person could sustain a severe inury, contains items to help manage catastrophic blood loss
MOTE Examples of such environments are given in Anzsza
NOTE Z Oesignrd to be issued a; a wppkmentasy resowr to small, medium or lunge first aid kits as required. NOTE 3 Where a critical injury pock is issued in a workplace, approprrnte tn,anlng should be prvLtdad. Sac 11SF guidance.
3.2 emergency dressing
absorbent wound contact pad attached to a bandage, for use on lacerations and cuts to the skin
3.3 first aid kit container
vessel used to hold first aid components, facilitating easy transportation and retrieval NOTE lypically this can be a bo rose or bo#
3.4 personal Issue kit
small first aid kit, containing basic first aid components for one person
NOTE Desined to be issued to Individual employees, as a suppkmtntwy resource to small, medium and large first aid kits being avuilahk in the workplace. as required.
3.5 cnsergency tourniquet
emergency haemorrhage control device with a mechanism to apply and gradually release pressure. utilising a windlass, pneumatic compression or form of mechanical advantage to fully occlude severe blood loss
3.6 travel and motoring first aid kit
first aid kit designed to be transportable and used by an employee when working away from the employers workplace
NOTE A grovel and motoring first aid kit Is intended to be stored in a company cur. run. tructor. egc
3.7 workplace environment
any workplace where one or more people are engaged in paid employment
3.8 workplace first aid kit
collection of first aid components held in a container, stored in a workplace environment
4 Contents of a workplace first aid kit
The contents of each wnrkpbce first .nd kit or pack shall be In accordance with TabIel. NOTE Workplace first aid kits may be complemented by other items that have been identified during a risk assessment. Where there are unusual hazards and risks that are specific to a particular undertaking or workplace environment. such as the use of hydrofluoric acid. workpl ace first aid kits should be suppkmented with additionaL appropriate components.
5 Container
The container shall be able to fit all otthe relevant components inside and close securely. The container shall be clean. dustproo( and provide protection for the contents in a workplace environment.
NOTE I Whcn selecting an appropriate containcr, tern perururr. maints’na ace, material durability and nshusowss should be taken Into account.
NOTE 2 The container should be checked frequentv. maintained and kept cleats
6 Marking
The container shall be legibly and durably marked with the following:
a) number and date of this standard. i.e. BS H599-1:2019;
b) symbol of a white cross conforming to BS EN ISO 7010:2012+A7:2017, type E003; and c) the words FIRST AID in white text.
In addition, the Critical lnury pack shall be mirked Crttical lniury Pack.
NOTE Depending on the marker the con Uniter should also have the words TIRSTAID marked in the local language. e. g. In Welsh or Gaelic.

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