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BS EN 01143-1:2012 pdf download

BS EN 01143-1:2012 pdf download.Secure storage units Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary Part 1: Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms.
d) method for assembling pre-fabicated strongrooni elements:
e) method by which:
1) the ATM safe is anchored to the floor or other surface;
2) the ATM safe is anchored to me ATM base and the ATM base is anchored to me floor or omer surtace.
6 Test specimen
6.1 The test specimen shall be a sale, an ATM safe, a strongroom door or a sirongroom (with or without a door). The strongroom test specimen shall consist of elements representing all joônts and assemblies essential for testing purposes. Optional features (see 5.3 h)) which could decrease the burglary resistance value shall be included In the lest specimen. Optional features (see 5.3 h)) and accessories such as time locking and time delay locking which could increase the resistance value in the tool attack test shall be removed or made not operative during the toot attack test.
An ATM sate test specimen shall indude an ATM base if tho is required for any type of installation. If the ATM base Is optional, the testing laboratory can choose whether to test with or without the ATM base
6.2 Cable entrances for detection systems andlor accessories specified in the technical documentation shall be present i the test specimen.
6.3 Test specimens for built-in safes and cast in-situ strongrooms shall be constructed using the components supplied and following the instructions for installation, (see 5.8).
7 Tool attack test
7.1 Piinciple
The test serves to establish the complete access, and for safes arid ATM safes also the partial access, minimum resistance values of the test specimen.
A testing team (see 7.2) examines a test specimen (see Clause 6) together with the technical documentation (see
Clause 5) and devises a programme 01 attackIng the test specimen. The testing team attacks the test specimen.
The time taken to gain partial or complete access. assessed by inserting a test block, is recorded and then used to
calculate a resistance value.
The tools and programme of attack used dunng testing shall be those most likely, in the op4nion of the testing team, to result in the lowest resistance values. Exploratory tests may be made.
WARNING. Because some of the tests specified In this European Standard involve the use of processes imposing risk on the persons concerned, use only trained staff and ensure adequate supervision.
7.2 Testing team
The testing teem shall comprise:
a) testing team leader who is respons*1e for the conduct of the test and whose function is to plan, direct and supervise the testing;
b) time keeper whose function is confined to timekeeping and the compiing of the event record;
c) testing operatives whose function is to carry out the necessary tool attacks on the test specimen as directed by the testing team leader.
NOTE Testing should be camed out according to the current state 01 knowledge. To ensure rnaxnjm consistency in test results, testing laboratories should have EN ISG’IEC 17025 accreditation and should partippate in audits, cooperative tests. experiencesharing events and other relevant training.
7.3 Apparatus
7.3.1 Attack tools
Any tool used for the testing shall be given a coefficient and basic value according to Annex A.
Tool category B includes tools 01 category A.
Tool category C includes tools of categories A and B.
Tool category D indudes tools of categories A. B and C.
Tool category S includes tools 01 categories A, 8, C and 0.
Alterations to tools other than those permitted as ‘specially made tools’ shall not be made. For instance, it is not permitted to enlarge nozzles, lengthen electrodes, rods or levers etc.
SAFETY WARNING Tool salety devices such as guards, fuses and other current limiting features ancVor maximum speed controls, shall not be removed or altered.
To protect the operator(s), in the case of combined use ci a hand impact tool and a chisel, a specially constructed chisel holder may be used. Such a chisel holder shall be regarded as a hand-gripping tool (see Table A.2).
NOTE Testing oratorees should malntac a ksl ol their current tools, together with lheir categories in accordance with Annex A.
7.3.2 Clock
Clock to an accuracy of at least 0.05 mm for each 10 mm measuring period. The scaling shall be at least 0.01 mm. Clocks slial be visible to all observers, and the beginning and end of each operating time shall be indicated by an acoustic or optical signal.
7.3.3 Test blocks General
The test blocks shall be made of a rigid material, Test blocks to measure partial access
Three test blocks, each with a length of 150 mm, and the following cross sections.

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