BS EN 1264-1:2011 pdf download
BS EN 1264-1:2011 pdf download.Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems Part 1: Definitions and symbols.
design flow temperature of floor heating systems
value of flow water temperature with the thermal resistance of the chosen floor covering, at maximum value of specific thermal output q
NOTE The flow temperature and the supply temperature we the seine throughout the standard series EN 1264.
average temperature of heating medium
calculated temperature deduced ftom the standard room temperature plus the temperature difference between heating medium and room
temperatur. drop of heating medium
difference between the flow and return temperatures of the medium
NOTE Th denotation rr aàso is used for design value in case of q..
heating circuit design temperature drop of heating medium
value of temperature drop of healing medium at a required value of specific thermal output Vi which is less than maximum value of specific thermal output q,
temperatur. difference between room and coolIng medium for cooling systems
average difference between the standard indoor room temperature and the cooling medium temperature. determined in a logarithmic equabon
NOTE See EN 1254.3:2009. equation (16).
standard temperature differenc, between room and coolIng medium for cooling systems standard value set at 8 K
inlet (flow) water temperature of cooling systems
inlet (flow) temperature of cooling water In a cooling cWcult
design inlet (flow) water temperature of cooling systems
permissible inlet (flow) temperature of cooling water, depending on design dew point
outlet (return) water temperature of cooling systems
outlet (return) temperature of cooling water In a coolrg circuet
design temperature difference between room and cooling medium
permissible average difference between room and cooling medium depending on permissdite design flow temperature and temperature rise of coolwig medium
average temperatur. of cooling medium it:
arithmetic mean of inlet (flow) and outlet (return) water temperature
temperature rise of cooling medium
difference between outlet (return) and inlet (flow) temperature of the medium in a circuit NOTE The denotetion r is also used for design value
3.7 Flow rates
heating mode – design water flow rate
mass flow rate in a heating circuit v.tiich is requwed to achieve the design value of specific thermal output
NOTE The denotetlon design healing water Row rate also Is used
cooling mode — design water flow rate
mass flow rate ii a cooling circuit which Is required to achieve the design value of specific thermal output
NOTE The denotation desi cooling water flow rate also is used.
3.8 Characteristic curves
bask characteristic curve
curve describing the relationship between the specific thermal output q and the average temperature difference between the surface and the room (4. t), and is applicable to all hot water floor heating systems
field of characteristic curves
curves describing the systern-specif Ic relabonship between the specxfic thermal output and the requwed temperature difference 14 for heating systems or Jit: for cooling systems, for heat resistance of various surface coverings
limit curves
curves representing the maximum heat output limits q and the temperature difference between the heating mediiini and the room J4. for various floor surface coverings
4 Symbols
The symbols of Table I are used in all parts of EN 1264.