BS EN 1464:2010 pdf download
BS EN 1464:2010 pdf download.Adhesives ——Determination of peel resistance of adhesive bonds— Floating roller method.
During the peel test, make an autographic recording of force versus crosshead movement (force versus distance peeled) over a length of a least 115 mm of the bond line disregarding the first 25 mm of peel.
Disregard the results if failure occurs outside the peeling zone as defined in Figure 1.
7.2 Wet peel test
Insert the test specimen Into the peel test fixture (4.2) as shown In Figure 1. with the unbounded end of the flexible adherend gnpped in the jaw of the testing machine (4.1). Peel the specimen at a constant crosshead separation rate of (100 ± 5) mm/mm. unless otherwise speclfled If the rigid adherend bends or is distorted during the test, it is recommended that the specimen be redesigned with a rigid adherend stiff enough to ensure even peeling.
Stop the crosshead after peeling about 75 mm of the bonded length. Then apply several &ops of water containing a wetting agent (for example 0,5% to 1.0% of a detergent) to the crad opening. After the application of this liquid the peeling process shall be immediately commenced. The test shall be continued until the complete sample is peeled.
An autographic recording of force versus crosshead movement (force versus distance peeled) shall be made. Disregard the results if failure occurs outside the peeling zone as defined in Figure 1.
8 ExpressIon of results
Determine from the autographic curve, for at least 115 mm of peeling (disregarding the first 25 mm and the last 25 mm), the average peeling resistance. In newtons per mdlimetre (N/mm) of the test specimen width, required to separate the adherends. The average force may be detem’nned from the curve by one of the following methods:
a) a planimeter
b) a gravimetric method, as follows:
Cut out the area of the chard paper surrounded by the curve and me base line abscissa) and weigh it. Determine the area by dividing its mass by the previously determine mass per surface area of the chart paper.
Divide the area thus found by the length of the base line (corresponding to 80 mm peeling length), to obtain the average height of the curve (and hence the average peeling force);
C) by drawing the best straight line through the peeling curve usrng a straight edge;
d) by any other method such as computer assisted.
Also record the maximum and minimum forces for each individual specimen.
9 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) a reference to the European Standard.
b) identification of the adhesive tested, including type, source, manufacturer’s code number, batch or lot number, form, etc.;
C) identification of adherends, including material, thickness, width and surface preparation;
d) description of the bonding process, induding method of application of adhesrve, drying or pre-curing conditions (where applicable), and curing time, temperature and pressure;
e) average thickness (as precisely as practicable) of the adhesive layer after formalion of the bond;
f) complete description of the test specimen, whether individual or panel, induding dimensions and construction of the test specimen, condibons used for cutting individual test specimens, number of test panels represented and number of individual test specimens (when edge specimens are tested they shall be designated “edge specimens”);
g) conditioning procedure pnor to testing and the test conditions;
h) If the crosshead separation rate Is other than 100 mm/mm. the actual crosshead separation used;
i) method of determining the average force;
j) average, maximum and minimum peeling force values, in newtons per millimetre (N/mm) of test specimen width, for each individual specimen (edge samples shall be reported separately);
k) type of failure according to EN ISO 10365.