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BS EN 1555-1:2010 pdf download

BS EN 1555-1:2010 pdf download.Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels —Polyethylene (PE)Part 1: General.
own reprocessable material
matenal prepared from clean rejected unused pipes, fittings or valves, including trimmings from the production of pipes, fittings or valves, that will be reprocessed in a manufacturer’s plant after having been previously processed by the same manufacturer Mi the production of components by, for example. Injection-moulding or extrusion
homogenous extruded mixture of base polymer (PE) and additives, i.e. anti-oxidants, pigments, carbon black. UV-stabilisers and others, at a dosage level necessary for the processing end use of components conforming to the requirements of this standard
3.1.3 Definitions related to material characteristics
lower confidence limit of th. predicted hydrostatic strength
quantity, with the dimensions of stress, which represents the 97,5 °I lower confidence limit of the predicted hydrostatic strength at a temperature Band times
NOTE It e expressed In megapascals.
minimum required strength
value of LPL at 20 ‘C and 50 years, roundeo tiown to tne next smaller value of the IIO senes when a below 10 MPa, or to the next iower value of the R20 series eitien “LPL is 10 MPa or greater
NOTE Th RIO senes ccnIOnN to 1503 (3J and the R20 senes confom’is to ISO 497 141,
design coefficient
coefficient with a value greater than 1. whIch lakes into consideration service conditions as well as properties of the components of a piping system other than those represented In the iower confidence limit
design stress rye
allowable slress for a given application at 20 C, that is derived from the MRS by dividing It by the coefficient C.
NOTE It is expressed in megapascals.
melt-mass flow rate
value relating to the viscosity of the molten material at a specified temperature and load, expressed in grams per lOmin(gIlOmm)
3.1.4 Definitions related to service conditions
gaseous fuel
fuel which is in gaseous state at a temperature of 15 C, at the atmospheric pressure
maximum operating pressure
maxwnurn effective pressure of the fluid in the piping system, expressed in bar, which Is allowed in continuous use
NOTE It is expressed in ber and taitus into account the physical and the mechanical characterists of the components of a piping system and it is calculated using the following equation:
reference temperature
temperature for which the piping system is designed
NOTE It Is used as the base for further caloiation when desigrwig a pçing system or parts of a piping system for operating temperatures different from the reference ternperature
3.1.5 Definitions related to joints
butt fusion joint using heated tool
,oint made by heating the planed ends of pipes or spigot end fittings, the surfaces of which match by holding them against a flat heating plate until the PE material reaches fusion temperature, removing the heating plate quickly and pushing the two softened ends against one another
fusion compatibility
ability of two similar or dissimilar polyethylene materials to be fused together to form a joint which conforms to the performance requirements of this standard
electrofusion joint
joint between a PE electrofusion socket or saddle fitting and a pipe or a spigot end fitting
NOTE Th eleclrolLsion fillings are heated by the Joule effect of the heating element wicorporated at they jointing surfaces, causing the material adjacent to them to melt and the pipe and fitting surfaces to fuse
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of this document, the following symbols apply.

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