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BS EN 15643-1:2010 pdf download

BS EN 15643-1:2010 pdf download.Sustainability of construction works— Sustainability assessment of buildings Part 1: General framework.
waste (3.75) treatment operation other than recolrery (3.50)
NOTE Adapted from the definition in Directive 2008.’9&EC.
ability to maintain required technical pert otmance (371) throughout the service fife (3.62). subject to specified maintenance (3.41) under the influence of the foreseeable actions
NOTE I Foreseeable actions are actions related to norrnal agents that could be expected to act on the works or parts thereof. Potential degradation agents indude. for example, tenWerature, humidity, water. IN radiation, abrasion, chemical attack, biological attack. corrosion. weathering. froaL freeze-thaw and taIije
NOTE 2 Adapted from the definition si CPD Guidance Paper F and in ISO 6707-1:2004
economic aspect
aspect of construction works (3.13). part of works (3.1). processes or services related to their fife cycle (3.35) that can cause change to economic conditions
(ISO 15392:20081
economic Impact
ctiange to the economic conditions, whether adverse or beneflaal. wholy or partially resulting tron economic aspects (3.19)
NOTE Derived from the definitions of impact and economic impact si ISO 15392:2008.
economic performance
performance (3.47) related to economic impacts (3.20) and economic aspects (3.19)
[ISO 15392:2008]
energy carrier
substance or phenomenon that can be used to produce mechanical work or heat or to operate chemical or phy5lcal processes
NOTE Adapted from the definition in EN 15603:2008.
environmental aspect
aspect of construction works (3.13), part of works (3.1). processes or services related to their fife cycle (3.35) that can cause change to the environment
EXAMPLES Use of energy and mass flow, prockiction and segregation of wastes, water use, land use, enissions to as.
NOTE The examples added to the defin4ion of environmental aspect s-i ISO 15392:2008. (ISO 21931-1:2010)
environmental impact
change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from environmental aspects (3.23)
NOTE Denved from the ctefirettons of rnact and envlrorwnental mipact In ISO 153922008. [ISO 21931.1:20101
environmental performance
p. ormance (3.47) related to errvironmeotai impacts (3.24) and enwonmenlai aspects (3.23)
[ISO 15392:2008]
[ISO 21931-1:2010]
environmental risk assessment
pocess of syslemabc estimabon of the probability of a particular set of circumstances and its negative environmental consequences and process of companng the estimation results against given cnteria to determine their environmental significance
NOTE Adapted from ISO Guide 73:2009.
estimated service Ill.
serWce kfe (3.62) that a buifdEng (3,3) or an assembled system (part of works) (3.1) would be expected to have In a set of specific En-use conditions (3.34), determined from reference service life data (3.54) after taking Into account any differences from the reference sn-use conthfrons (3.52)
[ISO 15686.1]
external works
construction works (3.13) external to the building structure but within the buWc*nqs (3.3) site
functional equivalent
quantified functional requirements (3.31) andfor technical requirements (3.72) for a budding (3.3) or an assembled system (part of works) (3.1) for use as a basis for comparison
NOTE Adapted Irom the definition in ISO 21931-1:2010.
functional performance
performance (3.47) related to the functionality (3.32) of a construction works (3.11) or an assembled system (part of works) (3.1), which is required by the users (3.74) or by regulations, or both
NOTE Adapted from the definition in ISO 15686.10:2010
functional requirement
type and level of funclionahty (3.32) of a building or assembled system which is required by the users (3.74) or by regulations. or both
NOTE Adapted from the definition in ISO 15686-10:2010
suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose or activity
[ISO 15686-10:2010J
step at which possession of the consfruction works (3.13) is surrendered to the ofent (3.9) upon completion with or without reservation
[ISO 6707-2:19931
In-us, condition
circumstance that can impact the performance (3,47) of a building (3.3) or assembled system (part of works)
(3.1) under normal use
[ISO 15686-8:20081
lit. cycle
consecutive and intertinked stages in The life of the olecI under consideration
life cycle assessment
compilatn and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential envtronmentai impacts (3.24) of a product system throughout its life cycle (3.35)
lEN ISO 14044:2006J
NOTE In this context a buiIng or assembled system is considered a product’ and a part of a produd system”.
life cycle coat
cost of a building (3.3) or pad of works (3.1) throughout its life cycle (3.35), while fulfilling technical requwements (3.72) and functional requsrements (3.31).

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