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BS EN 16124:2011 pdf download

BS EN 16124:2011 pdf download.Founding – Low-alloyed ferritic spheroidal graphite castirons for elevated temperature applications.
8.2.2 Frequency and number of tests
Samples, representative of the material, shall be produced at a frequency in accordance with the process quality assurance procedure adopted by the manufacturer or as agreed with the purchasec
In the absence of either a process quality assurance procedure or any agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser, a mirurnurn of one cast sample for the tensile test shall be produced to confirm the material grade. at a frequency to be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
8.2.3 Separately cast samples
The samples shall be cast separately In sand moulds and under representative manufacturing conditions. The moulds used to cast the separately cast samples shall have comparable thermal behaviour to the moulding material used to cast the castings.
The samples shall meet the requirements of either Figures 1, 2 or 3.
The samples shall be removed from the mould at a temperature stmilar to that of the castings.
8.2.4 Side-by-side cast samples
Side-by-side cast samples are representative of the castings concurrently cast and also of all other castings of a swnilar relevant wall thickness from the same test unit.
When mechanical properties are required (or a series of castings belonging to the same test unIt, the side-by- side cast sample(s) shall be produced in the last mould(s) poured.
The samples shall meet the requirements of either Figures 1 2 or 3.
8.2.5 Cast-on samples
Cast-on samples are representative of the castings to which they are attached and also of all other castings of a smiilar relevant wall thickness from the same test unit.
When mechanical properties are required for a series of castings belonging to the same test unit, the cast-on sample(s) shall be produced in the last mould(s) poured.
The sample shall have a general shape as indicated in Figure 4 and the dimensions shown therein.
The location of the cast-on sample shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser by the time of acceptance of the order, taking into account the shape of the casting and the wnnrig system, in order to avoid any unfavourable effect on the properties of the adjacent material.
82.6 Test pieces machined from cast samples
The tensile test piece shown ii Figure 5 shall be machined from a sample shown in Figure 3 or from the hatched part of Figures 1. 2 or 4.
The sectioning procedure for cast samples according to Figure 2 and 4 shall be in accordance with Annex F. Unless otherwise agreed, the preferred diameter for the test piece shall be used.
9 Test methods
9i Chemical analysis
The methods used to detem,ine the chemical compositIon of the material shall be in accordance with validated procedures. Any requirement for traceability shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser by the time of acceptance of the order. The chemical analysis shall be carned out on a test sample made from the same melt as the castings the sample repesents.
NOTE Optical emission spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence techoiques are acceptable methods of analysts.
9.2 Micrographlc examination
Graphite and matrix structure shall be confirmed by metallographic examination.
Non-destructive methods can also give information regarding the graphite structure,
In case of dispute, the results of the microscopic examination shall prevail.
9.3 Tensile test
The tensile test shall be carned out in accordance with EN ISO 6892-1.
The preferred test piece diameter Is 14 mm but, either for technical reasons or for test pieces machined from samples cut from the casting, it Is permitted to use a test piece of different diameter (see Figure 5).
In all cases, the original gauge length of the test piece shall conform to Equation (1).

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